On fatherhood

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I too feel this about Walter Wide aka Heisenburger.

found family (derogatory)

You know what, I’ve had the mental image of that typo long enough in my head. [Let’s inflict Walter Wide to everybody.](https://youtu.be/hJqP1OP5nys?si=JDpFC0r_LyuBhowF)

Yet somehow more affectionate toward him. The non-son.

I have not watched a ton of Breaking Bad, but I remember someone writing this really interesting analysis of how Walter is this guy who is angry that his life didn’t turn out how it “should” have, and how he winds up treating able-bodied Jesse as his ‘real’ son, compared to his actual biological kid who has cerebral palsy.

>Walter Wide

Instead of cooking meth he cooks trans fats

If your interaction with someone would only serve to make their life worse, is it then better not to interact with them? 

IE is he then a better dad to Finn because he was a shitty father stand in for Jesse and ignored Finn entirely?

jesse: we need to cook meth that isnt long or tall but a third thing… what would it be
walter: i may have a solution😏
(they kiss)

Walter Wide and his arch nemesis, Nathan Narrow

I know the character that it’s easiest to feel bad for is probably either Walt Jr. or Nacho, but *damn* do I feel bad for Jesse.

His parents just fucking hated him, and then he gets stuck in a life of crime by his chemistry teacher who clearly only has his own interests in mind. Not to mention >!having someone die while you’re in bed with them because the aforementioned POS refused to do the slightest thing to help.!<

walter big

This comment has no relevance to the post but just wanted to point out [this scene](https://youtu.be/RFr9iQ2fhkA) from Better Call Saul where Mike delivers the best monologue in either series about what really happened to his son. It’s criminal that Jonathan Banks didn’t win an Emmy for this performance alone.

Jesse cooked him too much food

Walter white went to the same fatherhood school that John Winchester went to, and both were massive pieces of shit

Wait, wait, Walter has a SON?! I’ve only ever heard people talking about Jesse!

This is so accurate XD

Poor Jesse deserves so much better.

Walter Wide. The result of Los Pollos Hermanos dropping their new fourthmeal menu.

Is this the backstory to Wide Whale we never got in the series?

I hate this new reddit fueled narrative. Everyone loves to blame Walter for absolutely everything but I thought he was a relatively decent father to both. He was just a criminal one that was ultimately rejected by both for it. And his kids weren’t exactly the easiest children, with Jesse being essentially as handicapped mentally as Jr. was physically.

By no means was he perfect but he still looked after them, taught them, provided for them and at times risked it all for them. He did bad things as well and wasn’t the father either of them wanted, sure. But he did try to do what he thought was best for them to his last breath when he could have easily just abandoned them several times like an actual bad father.

Also people out here judging him entirely on the last 2 years as if he wasn’t a father beyond reproach to Walt Jr for like the other 16. Working 2 jobs and getting treated like trash by almost everyone just to take care of his wife and handicapped son.

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