On The Difference of Prices.

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Amusing for conservatives to get upset about 75 billion free college when they want to somehow send every kid to private schools for years K-12.

Oh, silly me, they don’t want it for all kids, just the rich ones.

Everything theyโ€™re doing makes sense once you realize, an ignorant, hungry, and sick population is a lot easier to control. Just ask any dictator.

So youโ€™d rather bomb people and destroy their homes and businesses than send kids to school?

Funny thing, Iโ€™m the exact opposite.

Isn’t that a HIKE on an existing budget vs a TOTAL plan? In 2023, the US spent around $820.3 billion on the military.

The fact that in state colleges used to be free until the 60’s when the baby boomers started to protest Vietnam. That doesn’t stop them from pretending like they had to pay just as much as the generations after.

I love how conservatives what all the bad parts of the 50’s without the good stuff of free college and 90% tax rate on the rich.

Forget college, it should be used in elementary schools so everyone can learn to read and write and use math. There are to many people graduating from high schools who donโ€™t have basic skills. Free college tuition for those who can barely read is useless.

Love how this shows the truth! People need to stop acting like climate change isnโ€™t real. The Earth is literally telling us itโ€™s dying. Itโ€™s time to wake up and make real change! ๐ŸŒ๐Ÿ’š

And the Sanders plan was paid for with a tax on Wall Street speculative trading.

The defense hike isn’t getting paid for at all, it’s just going to run up the deficit. Then it’s going to be used to cut government aid programs of some sort.

Samurai sword priorities: sharpened sense of humor required.

That’s like when I was younger and didn’t understand money and I was upset because my parents said $4000 was a good deal for a used jeep, but my $100 American girl doll was *too expensive**

We literally outspend the second highest military spending in the world (China) by $620 billion. We could cut our spending by 65%, and still outspend them by $24 billion. A defense hike is unnecessary.

You need to spend more than that if you want a good sword

Thereโ€™s so much waste and fraud in military procurement. The military canโ€™t pass an audit. They really should look for savings first before increasing the budget further.

MAGA Jesus loves murdering the melanin endowed.

Yeah donโ€™t we already spend over 800 billion on defense per year? And can we say our lives are improved by spending another 60 on top of it?

Dems had no problem with Sanders’ plan? Bullshit. Dems spent more money and energy trying to stop Bernie than they did Trump. That’s how we ended up with Trump.

Amusing to see Maga bros upset over less than 1% of US military budget going to UA defence when Trump rose defence budget by way more(and them defending US military budget by saying “It’s nothing, we spend more money on welfare so stop complaining about US military budget being too high, it isn’t”)

It’s like they don’t have any principles left.

By that logic, republicans are happy spending 54b on more on top of the 70+billion for defense but get upset over free college.

If you educate the masses there’s no one left to be tricked into serving in the military. Like, why would anyone join the military to pay for college if you can get it for free?

That’s the reason they want to ban books and destroy the education system. That’s the only reason. Gotta have cannon fodder.

The gap in pricing often stems from perceptionโ€”what weโ€™re willing to pay is as much about marketing as it is about value

neil really said โ€œequal priorities.โ€ dudeโ€™s out here defending his samurai sword like a warrior.

Neil; You must have food. Swords, not so much.

$54 for a cool sword is a good price though

Wow this was so clever, letโ€™s all act like we are better than everyone because we trust big corporations and their government puppets to never do us any harm. Both sides are just a way to divide us as a people and keep us dependent on the systems they have put in place. But on a side not you guys care so much about sounding better or one upping the other party that you donโ€™t even realize that both parties are funded and controlled by the same interest groups. The same media conglomerates pushing the agendas and pushing for people who side with either party to be die hard fans and to be engrossed so much so in the theatrical shows we call politics. Itโ€™s a joke most of you should learn to be less biased and ask yourselves why is it a two party system where interest groups are spending LOTS of money to make sure it is one or the other? Why do we follow trends or pay attention only to some politicians or why do we all follow some bullshit social media INFLUENCER or hop on the next trend. I honestly donโ€™t know why I get recommended this page anymore because all the top comments are probably just bots, or some misguided and deeply manipulated moron.

Yes. That is what we need, more money put into an already overinflated defense budget that literally has black holes of hundreds of millions which military admit they canโ€™t account forโ€ฆ.

… Probably because we’re spending something like $750B on defense already.

Her 50 pairs of shoes
My 4 flyrods

The party that’s so upset about immigrants taking American jobs sure doesn’t want enough Americans to be educated enough to do them.

Amusing for both parties to effectively turn their backs on workers then fight over the narcissism of small differences!

Except that it is tax payer’s money. I want national defense. I don’t want to pay for some freeloader’s education. That is what a loan is for. Also, them knowing they are getting it for free offers no repercussions for laziness. Paying for it themselves, is an incentive to study and work harder to be more successful. Kids are supported till 18 years of age. After that, they are supposed to support themselves like all the previous generations had too.

Groceries last about a week. Samurai sword is forever

Your college is for you to pay, not anyone else.

Hope that bitch got apples and oranges with that 75 for groceries

Amanda Carpenter is a partisan hack who willingly worked for Ted Cruz

Both, both are good

An actual clever comeback? In this sub? Somebody send some blankets and space heaters down to hell.ย 

Ok but also I want a samurai sword, that’s really cool

Where are you spending $75 for groceries ?? โ€˜My Labradors clear that in a week

If you live in a world where that samurai is what actually keeps you alive and able to find groceries, I see the point

โ€žFor if leisure and security were enjoyed by all alike, the
great mass of human beings who are normally stupefied by poverty would become literate and would learn to think for themselves; and when once they had done this, they would sooner or later realize that the privileged minority had no function, and they would sweep it away. In the long run, a hierarchical society was only possible on a basis of poverty and ignorance.โ€œ


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