One for the AI era

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this cunt really combines all the worst traits of boomers, millennials, gen Z and even gen alpha, all in one person.

I guess he’s more like Steve Jobs than I realized.

The fact he thinks parenting ends at 18 speaks volumes

**Nailed it. Outsourcing parenting, classic Musk.**

Spoken like Missing in Action Father of the Year.

How can you be so fucking lucky, rich and successful and be such an absolute fucking bellend. How is this guy the richest person ever?????

Straight up, this guy is a peak adolescent edge lord and somehow has more money than half of the planet.

People look up to this dude because he must be doing something right. He’s gonna be the first trillionaire, right? I just don’t fucking get it. How can you be so successful and be stuck in the awkward phase most people grow out of. Why do people take this guy seriously?????

He really demonstrates how easy it is to stay rich. Once you have fuck you money it is remarkably easy to maintain and grow even richer. I really hope these fuckheads keep it up and we finally get some class solidarity to deal with this shit.

hi everyone im yilong mah


I’d pay so much money to never hear from or about elon musk ever again. What’s the point of not using twitter when you can’t go on reddit without seeing 500 posts of his bullshit anyway?

Gonna need some aloe vera for that burn

Like he really did something. All he did was bust his nutt in some dumb bitch. Fuck leon.

I just spit out my beer laughing!!!


I felt the heat from that burn and Iโ€™m thousands of miles away.

“ChatGPT, when did Elon Musk get utterly annihilated? “

And now every human and AI hate Elon Musk

This isnโ€™t a rare insult.

What a fucking roast

Damn… Flex tape won’t fix that…

Being a parent doesn’t magically stop at 18 bucko

I don’t understand whats so bad about what he said?

“Prompt engineering” god what a stupid way to phrase his thought.

I mean, raising a kid is a LITTLE like AI in that “AI” is machine learning. Except instead of a machine it’s a kid. Teaching kids how to live is pretty similar to how machine learning in that you’re really just reinforcing the “correct” thing over and over until they get it. I don’t like giving him credit, but if Elon was talking about *that* then I could see it.

But “prompt engineering” is just what people who are religiously obsessed with ChatGPT call using AI in order for it to give you the answer you want. Phrasing the way you say things to kids isn’t really training in the same way that giving them a candy for cleaning their room is training.

Elon is just so fucking stupid.

He has consistently taken credit for the efforts of others, why not raising children, too.

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