One of my favorite scenes in TV history

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I’m sure real conversations Aziz has had to have throughout his life

One of my favorite scenes actually comes shortly after this; it’s the cop car footage of Dave patiently dealing with Tom’s mouthing off before snapping and reaching inside the van to cuff him at which point Tom suddenly becomes a giant baby and starts whining pathetically.

“Oh because you’re Libyan!”

I only wish it wasn’t Leslie that asked it. She’s smarter than this.

I (a brown person) had a white person insist that this conversation wasn’t funny. And like, no, I will speak for all brown people in declaring this hilarious.


Ron-tanamo Bay!

I had to Google it, but Aziz actually is from South Carolina which for some reason is interesting to me

was Aziz cancelled? He is fully disappeared! 👻

Leslie passes out candy to the group, Andy eats a candy necklace. 

“Andy, there’s a string in there!”

“Not in mine.”

This is why I always ask, “Are you a Chinese?”

Tommy Hillfiger?

We should stop asking where they are from, and start asking the more important question:

“What food do you cook?”

Sugar SLAM!

As an ethnically ambiguous woman I would just say yes to whatever people asked. Are you Greek? Yes! Are you Italian? Yep! Are you Arab? You know it! If the person was rude I would keep the lie going as long as possible. With nice people I would tell them I was joking.

I had this conversation and it devolved into “where are your parents from”to “where are your grandparents from?”

Sir was not getting the hint he needed to stop lol.

was Aziz cancelled? He is fully disappeared! 👻

This line is what got me hooked and made a fan for life.

I’m from SC. My friends from Bennetsville in college knew him and confirmed.

Great scene. Are my wife and I the only ones who sing the “Shovel Guitar” song still?

I’m rewatching the series and I can’t believe more people don’t recognize this as one of the best comedy series 

Am I the only one that read “P and R” as “Pander” I thought this was a pandering sub 😂

Random white woman: “Where are you from?”

Me: “Queens.”

RWW; “No. Where specifically?”

Me: “Queens Village, New York.”

RWW: “Can you be more specific?”

Me: “Lady, I’m not giving you my address.”

RWW: “What? Why not? Got something to hide?!”

Me: “2 reasons. 1) You’ve been following me for 2 blocks, muttering a buncha Asian slurs, 2) You have crazy eyes.”

RWW: “Answer my question, then.”

Me: “Told you. Queens.”

RWW: “That’s not good enough. Where were you born?”

Me: “Davao City, Philippines.”

RWW: “Oh, so you’re illegal!”

Me: I was 18 at the time, no idea how to respond to a comment like that.

RWW: “Oh, what’s the matter? That all the English you can speak? Maybe those ESL classes aren’t working out?”

Me, exhausted: “I’m gonna go now, this has been… educational.”

I duck into a deli, ask the cashier to call both the cops and a number where I can get a taxi. Didn’t want to wait for the bus with a crazy woman following me.

I forget if it’s before or after this but it also comes up that Tom is in a green card marriage for similar awkwardness. Because his wife is Canadian.

I look and am primarily Caucasian but I get this question a lot because of my name

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