One Of The Easter Island Moai Statues That Was Carved But Never Erected. It Would Have Stood 72ft Tall (The Tallest Standing Is 33ft High) And Weighed More Than 2 Boeing 737’s. This Also Shows How The Figures Were Carved.

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Wait wait, aren’t most of them like around that height, but most of the base is in the ground for stability? There’s the chance this one would also be the same “height” once erected.

Maybe they did finish, and decided they wanted one chilling out, looking up at the stars?

He looks really content

(the weight of a Boeing 737 is about 58.5 tons)

A further fun thing? They also wore hats carved out of a different, redder stone. Almost all the hats have fallen off at this point, but originally the statues were in two pieces.

72ft = 22m
33ft = 10m


2 Boeing 737s = ~55t (~27,5t each)

Cool to see the indents where others have been carved out from.

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Went there in 2018. Here’s what it looks like from the ground.


Looks stoned

2 Boeings737’s? How many bananas is that? 🍌

Dumb Dumb got left


That’s so much work! I can’t imagine going yeah uh guys let’s carve gigantic ass pieces of rock to look like silly faces then carry them over there. 

Also fucking just give us the weight in a unit of weight 

Poor guy. He couldn’t get erect.


Boeing 737s are made of aluminum, are hollow, and are designed to fly through the air as lightly as possible. The difference between a fully fueled airplane carrying many passengers vs a completely empty 737 is a significant amount of weight.

I’m not sure I learned anything about Moai statue weight from that comparison.

Ok, that’s cool shit.

Genuinely interesting as fuck


He’s sleepy

How heavy is that in potatoes?


Americans will use anything but the metric system what the fuck does two boeing 737s mean heigh wise

Just an FYI: If you said like “2000 tons” I’d have a good idea of the weight, but I have absolutely no clue how much that airplane weighs. Is it heavy because it’s an airplane? Is it lighter than I think because it’s aluminum and needs to fly??

Why do they always compare heavy things to planes which are designed to be light? They should compare them to bulldozers, tanks, or cars.

Weights more than two 737… why do you fear the metric system? More than 80 tons…

How would they carve the back ?

It’s pretty clear they carved this to distract from the fact all of the rest was done by aliens. Just like going to the moon to fake the moon landing: [](

Johnny Quest

So, this finally proves that aliens didn’t build them? Or were they just too lazy to finish the job?

Moai coming your way.

Home boys had a lot of time on there hands

What about A320?

Here’s the wiki link for the lazy


There’s an outstanding podcast I just listed to about this. It talks about how they have evidence of them “walking” the statues based on how the ones that didn’t make it ended up laying along the path.

How would they have lifted that out?

But where’s the body that gets buried underground that my Facebook feed keep telling me about/s

This can’t be right, the aliens made these, right? /s

Aliens got lazy and didn’t finish the job?

Reminds me of a huge obelisk (forget where, perhaps in Egypt?) that was carved but never moved because it was too big. Some ruler got it in his head that he was going to have the biggest monument ever, spent a gazillion dollars on it, but found it it wasn’t going to work. The architect probably lost his head over it for not being able to satisfy the ruler’s whim.

But why did they stop?

I’m just gonna lay down here for a second, boss.

Looks like 1 and half there wonder what stoped them from finishing kinda Erie

ft and Boeing is better than meter and kg for sure.

Super interesting people. They deforested their whole island to transport these around from place to place….then many of them died of syphilis after European settlers found the island and did what white men do best….


Happiness comes in every position.

That’s really cool. I’d like to see that some day.

Why are they all the same design…

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