One of the houses in my neighbourhood in Bucharest, Romania

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Thatโ€™s gorgeous! I could imagine just relaxing in there! haha! โ˜บ๏ธ

a very cozy witch lives there for sure

This is the most beautiful house exterior Iโ€™ve ever seen. Iโ€™d love to know the interior!!

This is really charming and beautiful!

I want to see the inside of the house!

Now i want to move to romania. That looks beautiful.

Beautiful, I’d love to see the inside.

I was there almost 10 years ago, I saw some nice houses like this

I hope I can visit Romania this year , wish me luck ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป

When I was a kid I always admired and dreamed of owning one of those houses (there are a couple of these old town houses in my home town).

A couple of years ago, I had the chance to see a similar house from the inside and it was beautiful! But then I spoke to the residents and the upkeep is a nightmare and a money pit. In our country these old buildings are mostly under strict preservation laws and if you want to renovate/repair, it has to be done according to the time period etc. So that burst the bubble for me, although I still love how they look.


Any idea how old it is?

This is stunning!

I want one!

looks like the klopecs house from the burbs

Fantastically gorgeous house. You will always win me over with anything asymmetrical with a turret tower. No matter what baseline style you’re using.


Witch’s cottage and wizard’s tower in one, I love it!

Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends?

In care sector?


Wow! Beautiful

Is it halloween already

Thatโ€™s badass

Cool house!

Now I wonder how is the insideโ€ฆ

Love it ๐Ÿ˜

Wow, what an amazing home.

Where are the balloons!! Thousands of them ๐Ÿ˜

I want to see inside. It is so lovely

Simply incredible house. This is probably how I imagine Romania.

It kind of reminds me of the Weasley’s house (specifically the new Lego model)

Either a wizard family lives there or some old professor guarding some historical secret about the lineage of Jesus.

It looks like a house in an old cozy Halloween movie

Yโ€™allโ€™s houses are way better than ours.

100% Dracula’s cousin is in the basement.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|surprise)

It has three front doors with their own door numbers. It must have three separate residencies.

I think the architect was trying to create a pumpkin

How much does a home like this cost?

How much would a house like this cost?

This is not how I imagined Dracula’s castle

Surely Baba Yaga lives there!

Dracula’s modern day castle after budget cuts.

Definitely not a vampire. Probably a wizard.

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