One of the many reasons we celebrate Luigi.

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Problem 1: threatens the rich

Problem 2: threatens the poor, since rich kids go to private schools

Why would the rich care for problem 2?

971 school shootings this year alone? There is definitely something fundamentally wrong with you lot.

It’s one part of the government. Congress. Biden has actually done what he legally can under the current law and SC. Keep voting these morons in

US federal government?

Why do people let REPUBLICANS off the hook so often? REPUBLICANS are the reason we don’t have sane gun laws.

When the weak begin to bite their masters they start to take notice.

they’d care if those kids could pay them as much as their owners do.

I’m surprised the government is going to allow a jury trial for Luigi. Giving the people the option of convicting him or not may not work at the way they want.

School Shootings are becoming normalized.

Not enough CEOs have been murdered – gonesolo

Sadly true.
It is so messed up, almost dystopian.

The ruling class feels threatened by Luigi. They don’t feel threatened with school shootings and they use gun freedom for political gain while living isolated and guarded from what they see as the unwashed, untouchable masses.


You had 1.000 shootings just this year?

I suggest you send your children dressed like this next time.


Is that number in 2024 alone? I simply can’t fathom how that’s real wth

RugjtwingsCapitalism leads to oligarchy.

Now do one about the stupid fucking idiots that keep voting for the same people over and over again rather taking some time to learn about who else is running.

Why didn’t the ceo just have a gun to fight the bad guy!? What is he stupid??

I wish they wouldn’t count every shot fired in hearing distance of a school as “school shooting”.
The number of *real* school shootings is insanely high enough.

What has the federal government done besides charge him?

Guns DO kill. !!!!!

Posts like this could potentially spread awareness and garner support if they didn’t straight-up fucking lie

I honestly didn’t know if 971 was an exaggeration or not (it is).

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