one wish only

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A notebook that makes anything written in it come true

The ability to focus and have the willpower to not fall prey to easy distractions, such as the internet when working.

I know every form of communication in the Universe, verbal, mental, physical you get the idea!

a infinite, perfect carton of milk that never goes bad

Eggs don’t crack when boiling

I wish to be happy

I just want pocket money, whatever money I need in my pocket when I need it so that I can pay exactly what is owed when it is owed.

To have the Infinity Gauntlet so I can finish the half ass job Thanos did.

the ability to have any choice five liquids come on of my finger tips these can range from water to ranch to liquid mercury. once these five liquids are chosen they cannot be changed

to be able to hold a job and place and afford video games and keep in touch with my friends

(if you use and, it is a cheat code)

You will always have fun playing games, won’t get mad at your friends, and won’t get bored unless another interferance happens.

I wish to be a gorl 😊

I wish for everyone elses consequences to not affect them

I wosh to be a god.

Nothing pyshically bad ever happens to anyone or anything ever, unless they very truly deserve it.

End poverty world wide

I wish to be greedy

I wish to have the ability to shapeshift


I wish for the rest of my life I can do whatever I want without consequence

I can give anyone that responds to this comment ankle pain for 24 hours

A piece of platinum kryptonite small enough to fit in the average ashtray.

a banana

I want you back in your lamp Djinn.

Every Boss, Manager, Foreman, Superior, Chief, Leader, etc, will find themselves incapable of any malicious, exploitative, fraudulent act towards the people under them. It’s not an option anymore for them to think of only themselves and their groups of like minded individuals.

To spend eternity with my boyfriend

I wish for every human being worldwide to have consistent, equal access to an abundance of nutritious food, clean water, secure housing, healthcare, education, and opportunities to thrive, all sustainably produced and maintained by automated, self-repairing systems that operate efficiently without reliance on existing monetary systems, while ensuring that current economies remain stable, no individual or institution loses their wealth, and no new systems lead to inflation, corruption, environmental harm, or further inequalities, and that these conditions are permanent, equitable, and unaffected by interference, loopholes, or unintended consequences.

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They wish for everyone to be happy.



I just want Okarun to be real tbh



I want to end all human suffering

OP a fulfilling life.

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