One With Nature

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Dude, this puts the relative shittiness of my city into perspective. Thanks for that. We may have rampant homelessness, endemic drug and alcohol abuse, higher than average rates of murder and sexual assault, but at least I can go skiing in the woods tomorrow without leaving the city.

I might get mugged or I might get stomped by a moose, but I’ll be in nature when it happens, just like god intended.

Ah, yes. *Deep inhale.* I can feel the fresh pollution and grease fill my lungs. *Cough cough.* Rejuvenating.

Don’t forget the half sidewalks that don’t go anywhere or no sidewalk at all.

Reading this while sitting at McDonaldโ€™s ๐Ÿซ 

If you’re depressed, you should go outside, and be depressed outside!

Hey guys, please like post. Im currently living off the grid in a Culverโ€™s parking lot

a great city outdoors

Go outside have fun on grinder

Iโ€™m glad I live in the woods

I went to Germany for Christmas and was near fatally underexposed to nature for a few days. Found a little nature reserve to take a walk in and my batteries were recharged.


Don’t worry, someday we’ll all have smart glasses so we’ll be able to see whatever we want to see when we go outside

Meanwhile in Australia:

*Goes outside*

*Immediately killed by several things*

Maintaining a level of physical activity *is* good for depression symptoms though.

America moment

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“Wait, this is why I’m depressed”

That Breakfast & Dinner must have a lot of interesting customers with a name like that.

Damn even my therapist telling me to go touch grass ๐Ÿ˜”

Yes, i agree this is an issue but sometimes, walking in this type of environment, with a banging sunset or sun rise is very therapeutic.

I find it funny how urban dystopia photos like this are almost always of food islands right off the highway. Obviously itโ€™s going to be a bunch of fast food places and a gas station crammed together with as little thought into aesthetics as possible.

Nature now upsets me

While my ~40,000 person town has sections like this, we also have walking/hiking/biking trails in town and they are adding a “city” walk through downtown and an aviation walk that lets you walk to the regional airport which happens to be building a big ass aviation museum. But I’ll just keep my mouth shut in this LCOL town that is not worth considering living in.

I wonder how often folks living in HCOL areas actually use the benefits (high-class restaurants, theaters, and whatever other crap they got) of living in a HCOL area aside from telling folks they live in a HCOL area.

Oh shit, the replacement for Breezewood PA in memes has dropped!

I miss living on the east coast in a 400 year old city.

The houses might still have horse hair insulation but at least I can walk around safely with plenty of trees and walking paths.

There’s a reason if it’s called the “city jungle” or “urban jungle ” or something, I don’t quite remember

I see grinder and a maccas

I’m taking that as a sign to eat out and go out

I can nature a little better where I live, but it’s cold, wet and just generally unpleasant. And for the one week in the year it’s nice, I get hayfever.

Goes outside.
Immediately gets annoyed by people.
Goes back inside.


“Go outside and touch some grass.”

*goes outside – there is no grass*

Nice, a mcdonalds with a playplace, haven’t seen one of those in a while

… And I am reminded why I was depressed in teh first place… Cause I can’t afford the sh*t outside…

Nothing like a stroll down a stroad.

Donโ€™t live in a shithole suburb then.

I think she meant the park lol

He went to the wrong location

Los Angeles on Figueroa down the street from USC

Society ๐Ÿ˜”

well, food makes you feel better.

Another comic ripping off a recent popular tweet.

I hate walking, all I can think about is how much my feet hurt and how much Iโ€™d rather be at home doing literally anything else

American problems

Piss smell ๐Ÿฅฐ

Not gonna lie if I opened my door and there was a McDonald’s like right there I would be pretty happy

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