Only 21% of Europeans say they regard the US as an ally

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Be interesting to see how it varies by country

I think it’s more concerning that a quarter of Europeans think that Russia is a partner/ally

Non of these are mutually exclusive and can differ depending on topic. Politics is not that simple.

I’ve always considered them an ally, but Trump is doing an amazing job on changing that.

IMO there’s never anything beyond a necessary partner in geopolitics. That’s as good as it gets. I mean FFS there aren’t even real alliances in internal politics, let alone foreign ones.

I mean, it is still by far the highest ranking country on this list, so I wouldn’t worry too much.

Because the US serves only the US. Especially with Trump in charge now. Ally is someone you can repy on who has your best interest in mind, not just their own.

That’s not the USA anymore.

Who exactly did they ask? EU citizens or a broader definition of Europe.

I think you might get very different answer in Belarus and Belgium to this question.

I would be curious to see what Americans think about Europeans because their actions tell us they see Europe as Competition.

I have switched from considering them an ally to a trading partner. Allies dont threaten each other wjth petty trade wars and disputes over an autonomous country

This seems extremely politically driven to me as someone who works in Eastern Europe bidding on government contracts. As I type the US is investing billions of dollars in the defense of Europe, doing more than any other European country does to aid things here. The group of firms I work with are bidding for contracts with a combined worth of $500 million in the coming months. That’s just a handful of projects.

Its insane to me that anyone in Europe can see the US as anything but an ally. The defensive security protection, training, assistance, and investment from the US over the last 70 years in Europe has helped us prosper in a way that changed the trajectory of the continent and helped us thrive. I can’t imagine what Europe would look like if we would have had to defend ourselves against a hostile world alone, while also trying to enjoy the same standard of living we enjoy today.

It seems to me that most successful Russian propaganda of the last 20 years is the idea that the US and Europe are not allies that share the same interests.

Given the next president I’m surprised there’s even 21% who still see the US as an ally “that shares our interests and values”.

Can we get a link to this? What year was this conducted?

More alarming is only 44% see Russia as an adversary.

To be fair, 21% also see russia as a partner…

Neither us ,china or russia is our ally.
We as europeans should stop making ourselves dependent on these countries

Turkey’s score is quite high, well there is a difference between reddit and the normal world after all.

Btw which Europeans?

Without more detail about where these figures come from… I skeptical on thier validity.

I have a hard time believing that, what’s the source?

That’s less than Russians who say that of Chinese and vice versa. I think it’s one of the most startling results in this latest global ECFR poll.

I think it comes down to a perceived imbalance in power dynamics. What we need is a relationship of equals. That requires hard power.

When all of our forces—including those in Ukraine—are integrated, the EU will rank as the world’s second-largest military power. That would end the reliance on Washington and create an equal, more respectful relationship.

There are no real „allies“ in international politics

Number’s way too high



There hasn’t really been a time in history that Europe has been truly positive about the US and its people. Europe generally has a low opinion of Americans and the US–and always have. Even up until the past couple years–when the US unquestionably upheld a commitment to bankroll Europe’s defense, the general air was one of distaste and judgement. It’s not like Trump came along and all of the sudden the continent is now suddenly of the opinion that the US is a boorish, uncultured place filled with idiots. That’s always been the continent’s opinion.

American ” values ” do not align with most European countries.

US has no allies. Only interests.
Russia has no allies, only puppets.

Colour me surprised

American imperialism is clearly superior to Russian one. Wake up sheeple.

Being in Europe or EU does not make you an ally of USA. Being in NATO does, but that does not include all countries (e.g. most part of Russia is in Europe, Norway is not in EU but NATO, Austria is in EU but not in NATO etc.)

Until our navy stops protecting your shipping lines.

Under Trump, the U.S. is not any Western democracy’s ally. Trump is an employee of Vladimir Putin.

That’s still 71% that see the US at least as a strategic partner and a total of 88% that are not directly opposed to a US led coalition. I’m somewhat surprised that the rest of the bunch scored so highly. BRICS is a clear competitor to the EU. You might consider joining them, but that doesn’t change what they are.

My dude, this is next level bsht: Using a manipulative title with the picture thats putting into proper context…

ONLY 21% of Europeans, but shows having the same question with same 5 options as response it’s 5 times than the second best (which is not that hard to figure out why since it’s Turkey) and also the positives responses put together are overwhelming majority.

No one is a fan of the US government…till they need someone to shovel billions and billions of dollars into supporting their defense or political interests.

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