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Doug Dimmadome, owner of the Dimmsdale Dimmadome,


The Brim Reaper

He’s eyeing for that new color lmao

Double King

“Now I’m in three cowboy hats, yehaw!”

– Style Boyz

didn’t get it sorry

This town ain’t big enough for the both of us 🤠

… Kazuha?


That fella with all the hats, he’s got that look in his eyes. I’ve seen it before, that sinful look. That man is all lust and covet. And hat.

Before this all is over, a naked scalp shall be borne.

This is my favorite meme ever. It never doesn’t make me happy when I see it.

Packing hats must be a hassle. If you are traveling and want to take different hats for different occasions or outfits, I can see this being the easiest way.

This will always look like a real life “The Far Side” cartoon to me…

I laugh every time I see this pic. The hats with the dudes facial expression is just perfect lol

Burt Reynolds. Nah it his twin Kurt Reynolds..

Look at this clown, hes only got one hat!

All hats no cattle

Amigo, tu sombrero o plomo?

Is that Green Shirt Guy?

Photo taken from the TF2 universe

Feels like a panel straight out of farside!

Tory Bruno?

I think this picture was a G.O.A.T. on EmKay or something.

Johnny Two Hats has really upped his game.


The mad hatter

This will never not be funny to me

More than 3 hats? [That’s getting carried away](

Look at his eye of joy 😂

> Mr. Spats
Had twenty-one hats,
And none of them were the same.
And Mr. Smeds
Had twenty-one heads
And only one hat to his name.

> Now, when Mr. Smeds
Met Mr. Spats,
They talked of the
Buying and selling of hats.
And Mr. Spats
Bought Mr. Smeds’ hat!
Did you ever hear anything
Crazier than that?

That’s Johnny Two Hats!

why is he taking hats

Nice black hat ya got there… be a shame if someone stole it.

Is this that guy that goes around defeating the strongest cowboys in the world and collecting their hats so that someday he can be the #1 cowboy, and then all he has to do is enjoy his power and occasionally look over his shoulder for the #2 cowboy, who will always be gunning for him and his magnificent collection of hats?

I thought that was Richard Hammond for a moment

That’s a Bluth

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