Only 66 years separates these two photographs

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My great grandparents were born in the 1890’s and lived to the mid 1970’s. They basically saw in their lifetimes going from horse and buggy to seeing a man land on the moon. That’s pretty darn incredible if you ask me.

It’s the 60’s:

We have sent a man to the moon

People are starting to eradicate polio by vaccination

It’s now:

Haven’t sent a man to the moon in decades

People are trying to stop polio vaccination

And 54 yrs later we got the cyber truck. Lol. We’re getting dumber.

Thank you I never thought of it that way! That’s amazing progress!

When Apollo first landed on the moon I was 11 years old. When the Wright bros. first flew my grandfather was 11 years old.

We also have not 1 but two World Wars in between those 66 years. So…

And 240,000 miles

My grandfather was 14 when the first picture was taken and was 80 when the second picture was taken.

I was going to same something, but that would spoil all the fun.

And now we have people that believe the earth is flat and vaccines are bad for you. WTF happened to us.

And now we have furries…

Like posting a 1980s console tv next to a modern iPhone

The distance that plane flew was shorter than the wingspan of a plane today.

Due to two world wars that accelerated technology development…

‘Merica! Fuck yeah!

The rate of innovation has slowed incredibly over the past 50 years. Everyone thinks that just because we have computers and cell phones innovation is happening at a faster and faster speed, but a person that lives in the 1940’s would be able to quickly adapt to our current world.

But there was breakneck innovation in the 1800s that far exceeded anything that we have accomplished in the last 50+ years.

What’s impressive yo me is that trains didn’t become significant until the 1830s, so someone born in 1820 could remember when horseback was the fastest method of travel and live to see human flight. And then, their kid could see us land on the goddamn moon. Wild.

Ramstien vibes.

Two world wars advanced the technology development tremendously

67 if you’d have used the correct ‘first person to fly’/Richard Pearce.

Parallel changes were sending letters by ship, vs. overseas telephone and TV news. Relying on plays in theatres, to motion pictures, to colour television at home.

Two World Wars

We’re closer in time to a stegosaurus than a stegosaurus is to a trex. That way weirder.

This is where babu yetu as sung in the civilization games starts.

And 66 years later no one landed on the moon ever again.

Since they didn’t use wings to get to the moon, it’s slightly arbitrary these two milestones in technology are linked.

The advancements in photography are damn near as impressive in those 62 years as the “getting off the ground in a new-fangled vehicle” advancements.

At the time of the Wright brothers there were gas turbines and diesel electric submarines, radio messages had been transmitted across the atlantic, and x-ray machines were in use. The thing is that aircraft were primitive because they were new, not because science and technology was so backward.

Yes, you can really see the improvement of photography here

50 years later, massive technological advancements,… and we haven’t gone back

This is why the Trisolarans were worried.

Yeah we kinda fell off since then tbh.

Why No stars behind the moon there?

Interesting where will we be 60 years from now?

And we’ve done nothing worthwhile since then.

ballistic flight like that of a rocket, and aerodynamic flight are 2 different technologies. we could have landed on the moon without building an airplane.

the Chinese invented the rocket in 1232….so it would be more accurate to say there was 737 years between those 2 events.

then show a picture of the wright flyer and a f22 and say look how how many years it took going from here to there.

apples and oranges.

the achievement of the wright brothers was developing the aerodynamic wing shape and controll surface…and pair it up with a light enough engine. There’s no air on the moon for a wing to even work.

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