Headphone wires too. (Bluetooth heaphones have wimpy drivers)
8 hours ago
I formulated a theory about this.
I think that when we are in a bad mood we don’t pay attention and so we cut corners almost literally, going through doorways closer to the door knob then we usually would. We are rushed, grumpy, not paying attention.
This would raise the chances of us getting hooked on the doorknob.
It’s probably the same reason why I keep falling down the stairs only when I’ve got a bad headache and I’m in a bad mood
8 hours ago
Darkseid be spitting into the wind here.
8 hours ago
if that happened to me i would go out back get a shovel and break down the door
Headphone wires too. (Bluetooth heaphones have wimpy drivers)
I formulated a theory about this.
I think that when we are in a bad mood we don’t pay attention and so we cut corners almost literally, going through doorways closer to the door knob then we usually would. We are rushed, grumpy, not paying attention.
This would raise the chances of us getting hooked on the doorknob.
It’s probably the same reason why I keep falling down the stairs only when I’ve got a bad headache and I’m in a bad mood
Darkseid be spitting into the wind here.
if that happened to me i would go out back get a shovel and break down the door
I will bite the door.