Only in America.

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He bought the full size doll. That stuff is expensive. Looks nice and firm. Good purchase. Enjoy 👍

Everyone should have the wedding of their dreams. However businesses are not people and should pay taxes IMO

I can’t wait for ass-lips to go out of vogue for plastic surgery.

Thst woman looks like a plastic doll.

Definitely not only in America

Rich people do excessively lavish things.

News at 11pm.

Idc. Have my package here in two days.

There’s more plastic in those two than all the bottles Amazon workers are forced to piss into combined

I’m more disgusted by the fact that he left his wife, who is a beautiful woman, for that monstrosity.

Could have at least ordered the cute one, bro.

how the fuck does someone spend 600m on a wedding?

Has the doll next to him been made in China?

usually it’s for either looks or for personality. this one’s got me stumped

That’s a lot of shnarf

Spending that much on your wedding while people die homeless and starving should actually be a crime

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