Only in Japan

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Props to the crowd for respecting the ball’s owner and returning it. People can be surprisingly decent when it comes to these things!

I was in Dublin for a few months about 15 years ago. At the pub there’d be a crowd 5 lines thick in front of the bar. They were just drinking not ordering .You’d yell your order to the barman, when the pints were ready he’d yell the price, you’d tap the shoulder of the guy in front of you, pass him the money, hed pass it in front, and the pints would come back with the change.

“It’s a true honor to be able to catch it and it feels like I’ve used all my life’s worth of luck,” she joked.

You really have to admire and respect the honor of the Japanese people. Meanwhile in the US you got people wrestling it out of each other’s hands and frivolous lawsuits. Oh and attempting to steal the ball out of Mookie Betts glove.

My social anxiety will only allow 5 minutes before I start scanning hands wanting to fight for my ball back

Japanese fans have been known to clean up after themselves at World Cups!

now this is something to be proud of

She probably thought it was a little odd that it was now a football 🏈…..

I’d never take the ball from someone if they caught it. However, if I caught it and someone else wanted to see it? Nope, that shit is mine (assuming it was a home run and not just a foul ball, always give a foul ball to a kid)

Would never happened here, lol.

Saw a similar thing in Seattle. A very large group of japanese tourists (150+) were in front of us in right field. Ichiro hit a home run. A young woman got it and passed it around the group (like a holy relic). She got it back the next inning. Being a dad I tracked it the whole way.

Also only in Japan comment image?width=1080&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=69cabca6d89acd7e690147d8e720a36ce287bdbb)

In Japan, they don’t let you keep the ball.

But also because there fucking cameras and however pockets it is gonna be on the big screen at the game and tomorrow’s news cycle

America could never

This actually would only happen in Japan

I need a Japanese woman in my life

OP, please take a break from spamming/reposting. Good lord.

As a military brat, I remember when we first moved to Japan. During an orientation, we were briefed and told that if you accidentally left your camera at a location and came back 20 mins later, and it’d still be there. Never got to test the theory, but I’ve experienced firsthand, as a teenager, the importance of honor to the Japanese people. So, I wouldn’t doubt that it would turn out to be true. It was an amazing experience living there, but I’m blessed to call America home.


Pretty sure this would also happen in Taiwan… I remember getting hit by a foul ball at a game in Taipei. I’d stupidly tried to one hand (bare hand!) catch a rocket while holding my phone in the other hand.

The ball bounced off me and ended up a few rows in front. The kid who picked it up ran up and tried to give it to me 🤣. I was a bit surprised by that reaction. Also – the stadium staff came and checked on me which I guess is common elsewhere. They seemed genuinely concerned about my well being though.

Like Japan, people don’t really steal stuff (though they may occasionally ‘borrow’ your bike or umbrella and return them the next morning!)

Citation needed.

I’m fairly certain that it was debunked and that it wasn’t passed around the whole stadium but rather a section of it – which is still really impressive!!

Benefits of living in an ethnically homogenous, high-trust, high IQ society.

I miss Japan.

This is one of the things I truly appreciate about Japan. People have such a sense of respect for others.

Another Japan W

“Basedball” indeed

Japanese people are humans. That’s it


Lmao. Someone 100 percent pocketed the ball and switched it with a different one

It’s more of upbringing in childhood.

In USA – if you want it, take it

In Japan – if it doesn’t belong to you, it’s not yours

Very basedball

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