Only the convenient Science

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Someone please correct me if im wrong, but doesn’t getting a transplant significantly weaken your immune system? If she did end up getting a transplant and then contracted covid or the flu, wouldn’t it very likely kill her?

Why would they waste an organ on someone who is likely to die of a preventable disease?

Yeah that’s kinda nuts. Like “it’s cool I trust you with that scalpel and the main organ that keeps my child also e, but put down that fucking needle you psychopath!”

You need to be up to date on vaccinations before a transplant because you have to take immunosuppressant drugs afterwards so you don’t reject the new organ.

It’s almost like they have other patient’s health to care about too. And like having a major organ transplant significantly weakens your immune system. Not to mention the anti-rejection drugs you have to be on for the rest of your life. 

I would be PISSED if my loved ones organ went to someone who wasn’t doing everything needed to stay healthy to make that organ last. While I feel sorry for the kid in this circumstance, I blame the parents.

I can see the RFK jr type believing that. If you can see yourself doing it to a bear carcass with your hunting knife it’s ok but if it’s done in a lab it is dangerous voodoo magic.

“Someone online told me that anesthesia causes autism, so we’re gonna pass on that too”

Pray for the heart to get better, isn’t that how religion works?

No religion has a proscription against vaccines. Just because your pastor or whoever said vaccines are satanic doesn’t mean they are. Otherwise show me a Biblical reference that doesn’t also count out heart surgery (i.e. protected by your faith from covid but not heart issues)

Correction: A children’s hospital refused to perform a transplant on a high-risk patient with a higher than usual risk of dying of infection after the procedure.

Sounds like id get my kid vaccinated on the spot.

I’m not an expert, and that’s going to be completely obvious by my comment 😂 but when you get a transplant, you need to take anti-rejection drugs which are immunosuppressants. They keep your body from fighting the new organ and destroying it. Well, infections also get a much easier path to thrive. So getting you immune system as strong as possible before hand is paramount. This isn’t “you’re not in the vaccination club? No soup for you!” There is a very good reason for these requirements. Resources are scarce, and they have to go to the optimal patients.

If this is the same child I think it is, they are related to jd vance

I have to ask: what religion forbids vaccines but allows organ transplants? I can see forbidding both (if I squint…) and neither, but just the one (and especially *that* one) seems… odd…

I just don’t understand, vaccines are, like, one of the great scientific and medical inventions in the history of mankind, how did we get to a time where anti-vaxing is so pervasive?

Pharmacist here:

Transplant patients are on multiple immunosuppressant drugs to prevent rejection of the organ.

Especially in the first year, patients are on high doses and very susceptible to all types of infections and rejection of the organ.

When I worked during the pandemic, I saw many transplant patients die from all types of respiratory illnesses.

Having these vaccinations is just preventative care to make sure the transplant has as long a life as possible, and the patient gets the full benefit of the procedure, which is incredibly invasive.

So you’re good with having a now dead person’s still beating heart cut out and, after your own heart is cut out, sewn into your chest cavity but won’t get a vaccine because… you can’t even legitimately explain why. Makes sense

The best part is they will probably let their child die rather than just get the vaccine lmao.

Read somewhere this is JD Vance’s relative at Cincinnati’s children’s hospital.

hey to have this heart transplant you will also need to take anti rejection meds for the rest of your fucking life, they will reduce your ability to fight off infections… you need to be fucking vaccinated because EVERY illness will be significantly more deadly to you.

Cut my heart out, take pills for the rest of your life (or stop because boo medicine, and then just die), but can’t get vaccinated. People are so fucking stupid it’s beyond the point it hurts now, I’ve honestly pretty much given up hope.

the ‘president’ has a guy walk into the presidents office, take over a press conference, admit to chatting shit and basically demanding no one cares while his kid tells the president to shut his fucking mouth… while together republicans and Musk intentionally crash the US economy, which will crash the world economy, and no one in america is doing a fucking thing about it.

“There’s no such thing as a safe and effective heart transplant.” — RFK Jr., probably

How can you claim a religious exemption from vaccines but then decide that a heart transplant is okay? Seems a bit, I don’t know, contradictory.

I guess, this is what FAFO they tell you always comes around!

Poor kid though!

Goes on organ rejection meds

Gets covid/flu


Are they an organ donor?

Less wild are the facts that she should source her claims, as well as educate herself even slightly before remarking on any given topic.

* *my psychic told me not to trust vaccinitated folks so we dint get no vaccine. Only shots I trust are jack Daniel’s and wild turkey.*

The hospital is not going to give a heart to someone who will not give that heart the best chance of survival through a strong immune system. Immunosuppressants are used to keep the heart from being rejected, so need to give the body all the help it can get to stave off disease.

Here is the link to the statement Cincinnati Children’s Hospital issued.


This is like those antivaxx god is perfect idiots who wear glasses to see or what ever.

Their beliefs are just so inconsistent

And its not like the bible had glasses so its ok but didnt have vaccines. both were invented in the last few hundred years

This isn’t new. We don’t give organs to people who won’t take care of them, when there are plenty of people who will take care of them already waiting.

And blood transfusions if necessary, the antibodies in others blood could cause illness when having the vaccine makes it more likely that won’t happen. Religious exemption for just vaccines, I know some refuse blood transfusion and I could see how that would also include vaccines, but if you pick and choose it’s not really a religious reason, is it?

If Trump tweeted that heart transplants are woke, these morons would be more than happy to just let their kids die. Owned the libs though.

No religious exemption? But what about the passage where Jesus rejected the vaccines for our sins ?? /s

What’s wild is someone choosing Russian/Republican propaganda over the life of their child.

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