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I’m old enough to remember then marketing take that SQL will make DB developers unemployed, because management can now formulate their own queries..

I don’t know what happened to companies that took this serious, though.

It’s true the only thing my wife has ever compiled is our daughter and even that took her nine months. As her project manager I kept wanting to speed up the time table but she inisted more wives wouldn’t make the project move faster.

It genuinely was like that though. After IT got away from boring card punching into the modern coding paradigms, most of the “computers” of that time lost their jobs, and only a few used the gained experience to do something big

Btw I wonder why women quit the IT industry ( there are way less women compared to men).

That’s very sad.

‘Computers’ in the 40s: machines took our jobs

The difference is there wont be a new job replacing your old one.

Just like anything else, you either get with the times or get left behind.

I’m sure the cart and carriage drivers felt threatened when cars were gonna replace them and their horses. It didn’t mean we needed to stop innovation for their feelings.

Those same people had to find another job. This has happened countless times in human civilization and will keep happening. If there’s one thing humanity is good at, it’s finding some stupid job to make people work at for minimum wage.

What about the guys who lost their job when hard drives shrank from washing machine sized? There must have been a whole industry around moving placing and maintaining an environment for manhole sized platters.

I used to have a whole box of IBM punch cards. These were my bookmarks growing up. I found one in an old book, the last surviving punch card out of probably 1,000.

The major difference is that compilers can actually compile code.

LLMs cannot program — they just remix existing code they have seen, leaving in huge amounts of irrelevancies and errors. It is far easier to write the code from scratch than it is to edit the garbage produced by LLMs into decent code.

I mean. Computers was once a thing we called people.

Funny enough I just ordered a set of punch cards recently ๐Ÿคฃ

I worked with these cards. Best time is had when a set of a hundred (or more) such cards are dropped and scattered. Then need to be carefully resorted.

The problem with AI is that it threatens **intelligence in general**.

If intelligence has no value anymore, where does all the power go to?

To the people that manouvre the political landscape the best. The bullshitters.

Also, in every company there is a decission throttle. So it WILL cost dev jobs as you only need so many automation before you hit the point where decisions need to be made.

I hope that we hit an exponential problems with AI and donโ€™t understand my dev friends being as hyped as they are.

It is great tech and I use it constantly.

But if it continues on through same speed it feels to me like the natives welcoming the conquistadors on their lands.

Thatโ€™s stupid as fuck.

I know it’s not the point and I’m too young to have seen this cards in a real setting but don’t they have like too many holes.

If it’s real, is there someone with the knowledge bored enough to decode it?

Did Zuck not learn anything



Like the modern tablet/digital artists complaining about AI

Exactly guys Ai won’t replace us

Only thing which will get rid of developers is a true AGI, and I think we have a good 10-20 years before that begins to happen in earnest. So get that paper while you can, folks! Save up and live it up a little too.

They took my jerb!!


I just ask: who watches the watchers?

How many bots โ€œbreakโ€ ? How much implemented automation breaks? How many salesforce rollouts create a dumpster fire on a Monday morning?

Are you kidding? We were thrilled to get rid of punch cards.

programmers are psychopaths who deserve zero empathy

This is really just the same issue with ChatGPT. Some people think it will replace them, others think it is completely useless. It’s really just a tool to make your job easier, and your company will respond by giving you more work. That’s how we’ve increased in productivity by 400% since the 40s. The day the company doesn’t need employees, they will send someone to shoot you in the head.

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