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Saw him bawling on tv today. If he wasn’t such a jerk I might feel sorry for him. Fact is…he’s a jerk.

Global warming melts polar ice caps. Melted ice flows through ocean. Cold ocean water becomes cold air. Cold air makes cold winters.

The following summer, fewer polar ice caps to keep the oceans cool equals hot hot burny fire times.

So easy to understand and yet everyone refuses to learn.

Yeah, they switched from “global warming” to “climate change” because disingenuous dipshits like you, james, refused to understand how weather works.

*blaming the fire on liberal intensifies*

I’m a Canadian, and I’ve genuinely never had to deal with ice this year. I hate ice, but it’s really concerning that there wasn’t any here all year

Ordinarily they’d get rain now, but it moved up north. Indirectly from climate change.

I wonder if he’ll acknowledge it.

Thoughts and prayers, though, Mr. Woods. Seems to help, right?

i live in northern minnesota. we historically have had some of the coldest winters in united states history. the coldest i’ve ever seen it was -70f with windchill (-40f without). the coldest it’s gotten this year was barely below zero. we haven’t kept snow for more than a week. the climate has changed massively solely in my lifetime, i can look out the window and see it. idk how these people deny it when people like us are literally living through it.

Tots and pears jimmy-boy

Ah, karma.

I’m glad that mother fuckers house burned down

What record cold? It’s gone down to freezing here, maybe 5 days this winter, and not in a row. This has been a very, very unusually warm winter in Washington state.

They love saying “Global warming” when it’s cold out, but not when there’s record breaking heat in November.

Those face-eating leopards getting fed!

James Woods really owned the libs with his post. In true owning the libs fashion, your bitterness made you overlook the obvious and forget common sense, and you ended up voting against your own interests.

I’m delighted he was crying today

Wasn’t it George Bush who switch it to “climate change” so it sounded less scary?

Me when science changes based on new information:

If it didn’t we’d still think the earth was fucking flat. Oh wait, some people do.

So his family guy portrayal wasn’t far off from how he really is

God doesn’t like ugly, James.

Wish for the “good ol days” but can’t remember what the weather was like 25 years ago.

Sadly, he won’t have an epiphany. He’ll dig in harder. Sean Young was right this whole time. He’s an ass.

Actually it was a Republican, Frank Lutz, who encouraged the switch. Scientists didn’t really care one way or another.

Ask him if he’s cold outside without a house

Hey at least his house burned down

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