Orc Babies

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Fresh out the womb, boiiii!

The amount of people who have resposted this could probably rival Saruman’s army at this point

Yes make the nine year olds fight but only give women knives to kill themselves with

*I was there… when this meme first was posted*

Just send in Anakin Skywalker

This is no rabble of mindless orc babies


Rohan is comiting war crimes

Do Orcs have belly buttons??

The orcs lived lives before their rebirth. They used to be elves who chose the path of evil, as far as I remember from the Silmarillian. That was like 15 years ago so don’t quote me.

Can someone explain to me like I’m five exactly wtf orcs are and how they’re made? I thought they were corrupted elves or some shit


“you’ll grow into it”


Cross over

Honestly that speech would inspire me.

One does not simply not kill a baby in the battle of Helm’s deep. 

“They’re just big babies”

What happend to that kid aragon Talked to? And swung kids sword?

Ah, the classic baby orc conundrum. This solves the issue though, if your party just hires child mercenaries to kill them it’s guilt free and ethically sound.

This made me ugly laugh ngl


I wonder how many of those boys ended up surviving the battle lol?

“There sure were a lot of babies in there”. – Princess Donut, the Queen Ann Chonk

Right—who’s tougher, a 9 year old Rohirrim warrior or a 9 month old *baby*?

Except that Orcs came to be by being Elves, twisted and mutilated by dark powers, so wouldn’t that make them ageless?

Most fucked up part, their Evolution for procreation means that their evolutionary state sets them AT how their creation appeared them to at 1. They really got the Orcs to procreate as well for more efficient fuel to the Middle Earth War Complex. </3

No mercy to babies!!

Hilarious context 🤣

The only good orc is a dead orc. So let’s make these orcs good

It was Urak-Hai not Orcs

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