Oregon police find bag full of drugs marked definitely not a bag full of drugs

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Is this crack or meth? What am I looking at here?!

The cops during the search:


They really thought the reverse reverse reverse reverse psychology would work

It’s correct, it’s got a gun, money, scales, and extra baggies, not JUST full of drugs.

Can we be sure they’re not baking ingredients?

Redditor posts a repost labeled not a repost.

Look how dirty the bag is. Gross. Iโ€™d like cleaner drugs, please.

Someone must have ratted the guy out. There’s no way anyone would think to look in there!

Felony Irony in the 1st Degree

All of that fit into the bag?

Dude should of asked if they were cops before the sale. They have to say if they are cops. If they lie it is entrapment.

If you can make the judge and jury laugh, it’s gotta be better for you then making them cry.

I always fantasize about finding a bag full of drugs and money ๐Ÿซ 


This is technically correct. The bag was NOT **full of** drugs. The bag also included a gun, scales, and a wad of cash as well. If one were to remove these items, there would have been space for **more** drugs. Therefore, one can concluded that the bag was, indeed, **NOT** full of drugs.


Haha, i got the same Fine balance (the lower).

I do appreciate that they labeled it, then. Otherwise I wouldโ€™ve thought it was a bag of drugs.

In some jurisdictions, they field weigh the cocaine residue on the scale and use the whole weight of the device as what is recovered.
This law was drafted because suspects would drop crack cocaine into beer cans and soda cans when they were stopped, so they would use +/- 12oz(if full) as the recovered weight

That’s some top-notch detective work rt Barn.

I wish that I had a bag definitely not full of money


First thought that came into mind was that this is the real-life successor to the Pulp Fiction scene regarding Jules’ “Bad Motherfucker” wallet.


Why did this dealer choose for this revolver instead of a glock?

it only cost them $50,000 to get this $1,000 worth of contraband off the streets!

surprised they didnt take a picture with half a dozen donut guzzlers standing around this major drug bust

I donโ€™t know why but I donโ€™t like wasting so much material. Look at the scale, you could get some of this baking powder back.

What people like that donโ€™t understand is Cops strongest tactic is โ€œCuriosityโ€..

You really think people would do that? Just buy a bag on the internet that lies?

That’s like an infinite drug bag of holding.

Pretty damn funny

if I’m keeping it 100

I’d totally keep drugs in that bag too


Did Wes Anderson take this picture?


Are you sure? Idk it says it’s not

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