Our cat, who is typically an asshole to everyone, is in love with our blind daughter 🤍

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I love the look she’s giving you “yes I knew how to be nice all along”

I hope this lovely asshole cat is by your beautiful blind daughter’s side for a least 25 years.

Cats know.

I really think cats and other animals can recognize when a creature is an infant. Maybe the smell?

Not to say that pets are automatically better with children, you should still be cautious. I just think they know.

We had an orange cat who was a complete asshole to everyone except our daughter. We adopted her at age 9 and she was fragile and traumatized. This cat hated every other human but immediately became her best friend and remained so for the rest of his life.

Your cat is adopting your baby as her big,funny-looking kitten. She will love and protect this little girl her whole life. Give her a special treat from me. Wonderful photo.

Awwww they’re going to be good in each others hands and paws.

My cat passed away in November. He hated everyone
…everyone but my husband. My husband came into our lives when my cat was 8 years old. They were inseparable. He immediately accepted my husband who hated animals. My husband fell in love with him. He was destroyed the day our boy passed at age 16. Cats know and they change people. He was so special and Ill never forget him.

Aww this warms my heart so much! Just adorable and your daughter and cat are so lucky to have each other!

This is one of the most gorgeous pics ever. ❤️‍🩹🥰

Kitty knows she is now his to protect and love and be loved.

I heard cats can sense things like these. I think it’s pretty honorable that your cat isn’t mean to your daughter, especially blind. I think they’ll be the best of friends 😊

To reiterate what everyone saying about cats knowing: my cat was a stray/feral I adopted from the shelter. Total wildcat. Except with me. Whenever anyone comes over she hides and attacks if someone other than me tries to get her and even then she’s a handful. Total fucking skittish monster. As soon as they leave? She’s a cuddle muffin.

Except with one person. My daughter lives overseas with her mom. My cat had never once met her. The moment my kiddo came to visit my cat was all over her. Followed her everywhere.

After my kiddo went back home? Never been like that with anyone else. Even my gfs that will stay for the weekend.

Cats know family.

Editted to add: your kitty is adorable!!!

She now has access to better eyesight than the rest of us. Well, done kitty.

That’s her cat… that’s why.

Best friends forever 💕💕🥰

So cool

This is sooo darling. To a happy, healthy future for the best pals!

Your daughter is precious. I love her little chubby cheeks!

Best friends. And extra points for those adorable cheeks (your daughter’s, the cat’s are nice too.)

We’re animals, and we have a common ancestor long ago, yet we’re constantly amazed when animals behave as we would.

Cats definitely recognize young one. Cats see us as a big, non-threatening cat and they see children the same as kittens so they’re a lot nicer with them.

That smirk look over to you haha

They know. My two are brother and sister. She had to be the runt and he the biggest. He low-key bullies her and she steals his stuff and he *always* lays in my lap.
All that to say, she sprained her paw on NYE and I don’t have emergency vet money unless it’s dire, but he left her alone and she spent almost 24 hours on my lap or curled up against my chest and just sniffed or licked her head a little. They know

It’s so beautiful 😍 to ah

Awwwww such sweeties 🥹🥹

Love IS blind

Animals know. They can sense when something is off or not right.


The cat knows that your daughter is blind


Oh my goodness 🥹🥹

what a joy 🙂

Cat is being a cat. Knowing what to do.

Beautiful. Thanks for making my day. 🙂

Asshole was waiting for her.

This is incredible. Kitty made me cry. 😭

He knows your daughter is special and he will protect her. Most cats are really patient with young kids.

The look of “If *you* try to touch me like this, I’m coming for your throat” lmao

Srsly tho, I hope the kitty lives a long, healthy, and happy life alongside your daughter.

Aww 😭❤️


Cats will lead the way.


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