Our washing machine identifies as a sl*t after it’s done washing

By Enddri
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I love your confidence that it is the washing machine self identifying. It’s just spent an hour with your dirty underwear, perhaps it’s passing judgement instead?

I’m guessing it knows just how many loads it has taken and is ok with it.

That’s finished, or end Danish isn’t it?

I’m not sure why you felt the need to self censor your title. This is the internet. You can say slut here

You are gonna have a blast in Denmark – besides everything ending with slut, our elevators proudly proclaim “I fart!” when they are operating 🙂

Hahaha- Oh wow that’s crazy have u got the washers number…

Funny… Slut means “the end” in nordic languages

I think it is calling YOU a slut.

Just like the [Swedish ending of Finding Dory](https://youtu.be/071pe_pXAD4?si=nEJKE15nIIw9GpYd)

After the load it took?

Just look at the size of its opening 😈

No. It’s calling u slut

Eller hur?

Dirty washing machine.

Nah. That’s just one of the washing modes. Mild, strong and then straight up S-L-U-T mode.

900 per minute seems to be quite expensive though

No, no. It’s shaming you. It knows what those stains were.

You bend over for one dryer and you’re tagged for life

No kink-shaming here please. Your washing machines is free to identify as whoever they want.

She knows what she is 😈

This is reddit. You can totally say slut

How do you know it’s not calling you a slut?

I hate the idea of putting an asterisk in a word like whats the point lmao

You washing machine is maybe identifying as swede

“what are you doing step-dryer?!”

It’s merely accepting that a different batch gets tossed into it daily.

Omygod lana its just like maximum overdrive!

Ah yes, that universal washing machine button: SUMMER

900 a minute?!? Must be one hell of a slut

Its swedish and it means ”the end” pretty much

Could be swedish, slut means “end” or “final”

Only fan’s washing machine.. it knows how many LOADS it’s taken since she started and guess about time she came out of the closet to tell u this🤣🤣

It’s been with all the dishes, the silverware and the glasses. I think the title is appropriate.

Well it is very wet afterwards so it makes sense

Yea no, it’s making a comment about you, it’s washes your load of smalls and is appalled 😂

Me too, Washing Machine… me too.

It’s judging you by the clothes you’ve been wearing

That slut’s got a fever. 40 is too high, throw some aspirin in the chute.

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