Out of the corner of my eye I thought that I left my daughter strapped into the hot car all day. Nearly gave me a heart attack. Who designed this??

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Those neck standards are unrealistic and unhealthy.
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This is honestly the creepiest car seat I have ever seen. It’s not a well thought out idea. I also wonder how many passersby are ready to call the cops on you until they realize it’s just the seat. 😳

Well, you guys bought the seat though


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Long neck

That neck is freaky

Then why did you/your significant other/the child’s care taker buy that car seat?

Genuine question. Not trying to be impudent.

I don’t know but who the fuck would buy this should be your thought.

TF is with her neck?!?! Like ET and Cinderella had a love child and this was the abomination!

Beauty standards these days… amIright?

The neck is taking me out 😆

Your daughter is going to grow up with weird dreams and memories of skibidi Cinderella smiling down at her during long travels.

Oh hello, my sleep paralysis demon

she got the skibidi neck


Does that let you use carpool lanes?

Nightmare fuel

I’m actually in favor of stuff like this. At the age of 37 and I can remember plenty of toys car seat seats etc. from my own childhood that mimicked this style if you will however one thing does give me pause

Who the fuck thought the whole neck design was a good idea? Little foot’s mom?!

A giraffe?

The neck is killing me


I’m not sure, but I know who bought it

200,000 units are ready, with a million more well on the way.

Cinderella’s giraffe phase.

That thing is creepy

That bitch got neck

designer was a “Mr. giraffe.”

Could be wrong but I think the neck is supposed to be tucked in the back or slated in somehow

There’s one with Dora the explorer, fkn terrifying.

From the My Body Horror Princess collection by Disney™️.

Maybe that’s not a bad thing. Makes you check twice

What a creepy ass car seat 😭

I bought the Batman version like 4-5 years ago and thought the same thing probably 50% of the time when I got in my car. The seats are adorable but the amount of heart attacks they’ve probably given parents throughout the years is insane 😭





Not a cool design, considering it conditions you to ignore the appearance of a blonde hair child left in the car…

Get it in the front seat if you need to use a car pool lane

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