Whatever creature is doing it, it’s gotta be new because there’d be shit everywhere otherwise.
1 month ago
Not one person noticed all of that chocolate missing?
1 month ago
Appliance tech here. The stove is gonna have to get tossed. Sorry to see that. If not coming on, the rat chewed through a wire it wasn’t supposed to. For the rat to get in on top of the insulation like that means the insulation is conpromised too and will create hotspots on the outside, causing a house fire. The rat is probably dead in the control board if i had to guess. The pee and poop can be heated up causing it to go on food or in the air. TOSS THE STOVE!!!!
….i see this all the time.
1 month ago
I heard laundry machine eat socks but first time see oven eat chocolate!?
1 month ago
Not gonna lie, I thought this was some sort of small Murphy type bed at first😅
I gotta lay off the green
1 month ago
I had a mouse in my office once. I also kept an office candy bowl for people to grab as they came through
We discovered the mouse when the fax machine paper tray was suddenly full of candy
1 month ago
I’ve never heard of a Sofa Oven
1 month ago
They’re still wrapped and thus, still good.
1 month ago
Is this an elf on the shelf
1 month ago
When I got my house it came with an old but working electric stove. Cooked on the top every day, no issues. Whenever we would cook inside the oven, the entire kitchen would smell like ammonia cat piss.
Horrible. I can’t stand it and start moving the whole thing, checking everything…lots of mouse poop on the ground…then I look where you did…mother of god..huge nest, a few mice, packed with food all covered in piss.
We lived with that stove for a year before I discovered this.
1 month ago
That’s a lot of chocolate for a rat or mice to move without shitting once. No droppings/turds in sight.
Like chocolate, like a chocolate bandit.
1 month ago
Something similar happened to my grandparents recently, the Hershey’s kisses bowl kept emptying, my grandma thought my grandpa was eating them but he swore he wasn’t… yeah it was mice hoarding them behind the wall in the kitchen. Mice love sugar.
1 month ago
At first they came for the rolos and nobody cared.
Then the Reeses disappeared, nobody spoke up.
Finally they took Herseys.
Later we learned they were taken to the oven.
1 month ago
I had a client and he would leave his pills on the counter so he would remember them. Mouse stole them and hoarded them in the stove. I found them cleaning one day.
1 month ago
1 month ago
Lol, I’m impressed by your little rat. How did you not notice that many chocolates going missing, wrappers and all? If that were my house the chocolates wouldn’t last a week, I’d beat them to it!
1 month ago
I have pac rats who fill my cars engine with random dog turds, so count your blessings!
1 month ago
My dad used to buy and hide chocolates so my mom wouldn’t harass him about his weight. She would find them… not tell him… and re-hide somewhere else …. just to watch him look around like crazy… but unable to ask. lol lol
1 month ago
Hanta virus is no joke
1 month ago
Can confirm this is a thing, we found mouse droppings and a huge stash of stolen crackers in ours, back in college!
1 month ago
Lmao, I can just imagine everyone in the family being quietly annoyed at everyone else for eating all the candy from the bowl, but NAY, TWAS THE NIGHT BEFORE CHRISTMAS, AND ALL THROUGH THE HOUSE, NO HUMANS SNUCK CHOCOLATE, FOR SOOTH TWAS THE MOUSE
1 month ago
We had a rat infestation once (lived in old row homes so it’s pretty common) Before leaving on a trip over thanksgiving, I had left a clamshell of trail mix on the coffee table and forgot about it. When we got back, I noticed the lid was open but just thought it popped open. Later that night when I went to grab my laptop bag from a chair, I found all the trail mix at the bottom. They had sorted the nuts, raisins and m and ms. I thought my husband was playing a joke of me. But we later found more evidence of rodents.
1 month ago
That’s wild
1 month ago
I’ve seen this in vehicles in air boxes. Mice make a mess. They will take whatever into any place they can.
1 month ago
Check your local vet, see if they admitted any mice with diabetes lately
1 month ago
I have seen similar. I worked in a commercial photography studio. We had a studio cat for catching mice. One day I opened a drawer in the kitchen and it was filled to the top with cat food. The utensils were floating in there like dinosaur bones in stone. It freaked me out! Turns out a mouse was stealing the cat food and hiding it in the drawer.
1 month ago
I had ferret that hid potatoes under my stove.
1 month ago
A mouse did this to my mom’s house. But instead of
Chocolate… it was taking pieces of raw rice and putting them in their shoes. We emptied a bit of shoes full of rice. Not sure how they’re doing it.
1 month ago
Happened to me. It was not chocolate, but cat food. We eventually found the mouse and all its hiding spots: fridge, oven and dishwasher. All full of cat food.
1 month ago
I had a shelf in the pantry where cat bowls were. When we moved the poles of the shelf were full of cat food the mouse had squirreled away for later.
1 month ago
How did none of it melt at all??? There’s no way this all appeared between the last oven use and now, not unless you guys do waaaay too much take out
1 month ago
My drier was full of pistachio shells
1 month ago
I moved into an apartment, and the first time I used the oven, i smelled burning. A mouse had stashed a giant pile of dry dog food in the broiler.
1 month ago
Had something similar but with dog kibble and our dishwasher.
1 month ago
I had the exact same thing happened last summer but it was taking cat food from the bowl next to the stove. And it was a rat not a mouse. I noticed it because there was a smell. When I finally tracked it all down and figure out what was going on I had to remove all of that insulation. Every bit. It’s held in with wire. I bought a new roll of insulation and wired it back in after cleaning up the interior. Good luck!
1 month ago
One time we found like a full bag of dog food under our dishwasher lolol
1 month ago
A mouse did that with pistachios we had on our counter.
1 month ago
This happened to me except it wasn’t chocolate. It was chicken bones out of the trash. And no matter how many different types of mice straps it took this little monster was on the secret of NIMB/mensa level of intelligence. He would spring the traps and leave a thank you note. I found out from an exterminator that if you put steel wool. (I used SOS pad) in the access points they stopped coming.
Sidenote: it looks like a happy little Christmas wonderland in your stove.
1 month ago
We had similar issue in our oven!
We have a double set of ovens. The mice were squeezing in through a tiny hole in the back for the wires and slipping between the two ovens.
We learned when we turned the top oven on and around 250° it started heavily smoking. Thankfully it wasn’t charred mouse, only the stash of bird seed it was bringing in from the back deck. It would climb between the ovens and up through the ventilation under the bottom plates.
At least it taught me how to pull the bottom plates apart and put back together.
1 month ago
I think it broke because you have a down comforter stuck in it
1 month ago
Not candy but I did see a mouse trying to pull an empty Velveeta Mac and cheese packet into the top of the stove. It was getting in from a hole on the wall where the gas line comes in.
Firstly, what? Are those chocolates? Secondly, is that what ovens look like on the inside? Thirdly…

another pic for context
Whatever creature is doing it, it’s gotta be new because there’d be shit everywhere otherwise.
Not one person noticed all of that chocolate missing?
Appliance tech here. The stove is gonna have to get tossed. Sorry to see that. If not coming on, the rat chewed through a wire it wasn’t supposed to. For the rat to get in on top of the insulation like that means the insulation is conpromised too and will create hotspots on the outside, causing a house fire. The rat is probably dead in the control board if i had to guess. The pee and poop can be heated up causing it to go on food or in the air. TOSS THE STOVE!!!!
….i see this all the time.
I heard laundry machine eat socks but first time see oven eat chocolate!?
Not gonna lie, I thought this was some sort of small Murphy type bed at first😅
I gotta lay off the green
I had a mouse in my office once. I also kept an office candy bowl for people to grab as they came through
We discovered the mouse when the fax machine paper tray was suddenly full of candy
I’ve never heard of a Sofa Oven
They’re still wrapped and thus, still good.
Is this an elf on the shelf
When I got my house it came with an old but working electric stove. Cooked on the top every day, no issues. Whenever we would cook inside the oven, the entire kitchen would smell like ammonia cat piss.
Horrible. I can’t stand it and start moving the whole thing, checking everything…lots of mouse poop on the ground…then I look where you did…mother of god..huge nest, a few mice, packed with food all covered in piss.
We lived with that stove for a year before I discovered this.
That’s a lot of chocolate for a rat or mice to move without shitting once. No droppings/turds in sight.
Like chocolate, like a chocolate bandit.
Something similar happened to my grandparents recently, the Hershey’s kisses bowl kept emptying, my grandma thought my grandpa was eating them but he swore he wasn’t… yeah it was mice hoarding them behind the wall in the kitchen. Mice love sugar.
At first they came for the rolos and nobody cared.
Then the Reeses disappeared, nobody spoke up.
Finally they took Herseys.
Later we learned they were taken to the oven.
I had a client and he would leave his pills on the counter so he would remember them. Mouse stole them and hoarded them in the stove. I found them cleaning one day.
Lol, I’m impressed by your little rat. How did you not notice that many chocolates going missing, wrappers and all? If that were my house the chocolates wouldn’t last a week, I’d beat them to it!
I have pac rats who fill my cars engine with random dog turds, so count your blessings!
My dad used to buy and hide chocolates so my mom wouldn’t harass him about his weight. She would find them… not tell him… and re-hide somewhere else …. just to watch him look around like crazy… but unable to ask. lol lol
Hanta virus is no joke
Can confirm this is a thing, we found mouse droppings and a huge stash of stolen crackers in ours, back in college!
Lmao, I can just imagine everyone in the family being quietly annoyed at everyone else for eating all the candy from the bowl, but NAY, TWAS THE NIGHT BEFORE CHRISTMAS, AND ALL THROUGH THE HOUSE, NO HUMANS SNUCK CHOCOLATE, FOR SOOTH TWAS THE MOUSE
We had a rat infestation once (lived in old row homes so it’s pretty common) Before leaving on a trip over thanksgiving, I had left a clamshell of trail mix on the coffee table and forgot about it. When we got back, I noticed the lid was open but just thought it popped open. Later that night when I went to grab my laptop bag from a chair, I found all the trail mix at the bottom. They had sorted the nuts, raisins and m and ms. I thought my husband was playing a joke of me. But we later found more evidence of rodents.
That’s wild
I’ve seen this in vehicles in air boxes. Mice make a mess. They will take whatever into any place they can.
Check your local vet, see if they admitted any mice with diabetes lately
I have seen similar. I worked in a commercial photography studio. We had a studio cat for catching mice. One day I opened a drawer in the kitchen and it was filled to the top with cat food. The utensils were floating in there like dinosaur bones in stone. It freaked me out! Turns out a mouse was stealing the cat food and hiding it in the drawer.
I had ferret that hid potatoes under my stove.
A mouse did this to my mom’s house. But instead of
Chocolate… it was taking pieces of raw rice and putting them in their shoes. We emptied a bit of shoes full of rice. Not sure how they’re doing it.
Happened to me. It was not chocolate, but cat food. We eventually found the mouse and all its hiding spots: fridge, oven and dishwasher. All full of cat food.
I had a shelf in the pantry where cat bowls were. When we moved the poles of the shelf were full of cat food the mouse had squirreled away for later.
How did none of it melt at all??? There’s no way this all appeared between the last oven use and now, not unless you guys do waaaay too much take out
My drier was full of pistachio shells
I moved into an apartment, and the first time I used the oven, i smelled burning. A mouse had stashed a giant pile of dry dog food in the broiler.
Had something similar but with dog kibble and our dishwasher.
I had the exact same thing happened last summer but it was taking cat food from the bowl next to the stove. And it was a rat not a mouse. I noticed it because there was a smell. When I finally tracked it all down and figure out what was going on I had to remove all of that insulation. Every bit. It’s held in with wire. I bought a new roll of insulation and wired it back in after cleaning up the interior. Good luck!
One time we found like a full bag of dog food under our dishwasher lolol
A mouse did that with pistachios we had on our counter.
This happened to me except it wasn’t chocolate. It was chicken bones out of the trash. And no matter how many different types of mice straps it took this little monster was on the secret of NIMB/mensa level of intelligence. He would spring the traps and leave a thank you note. I found out from an exterminator that if you put steel wool. (I used SOS pad) in the access points they stopped coming.
Sidenote: it looks like a happy little Christmas wonderland in your stove.
We had similar issue in our oven!
We have a double set of ovens. The mice were squeezing in through a tiny hole in the back for the wires and slipping between the two ovens.
We learned when we turned the top oven on and around 250° it started heavily smoking. Thankfully it wasn’t charred mouse, only the stash of bird seed it was bringing in from the back deck. It would climb between the ovens and up through the ventilation under the bottom plates.
At least it taught me how to pull the bottom plates apart and put back together.
I think it broke because you have a down comforter stuck in it
Not candy but I did see a mouse trying to pull an empty Velveeta Mac and cheese packet into the top of the stove. It was getting in from a hole on the wall where the gas line comes in.