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This made my day.

Me pretending to be in a music video to a sad song

How cute that it seems like they’re deep in thought. Whatโ€™s going on in that little head?

this is the cutest picture ever

Oh, little guy. Weโ€™ve all been there!

New album โ€œLooking in the rear viewโ€ drops Dec 15th.

this would make a great album cover

Oh side mirror we really in it now


she’s so adorable.

Lol thats awesome! Looks like my buddy!
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He thinking im hungry n ill never aet again as long as im in this car. I may jump๐Ÿ˜‚

Might be she’s wondering where to go. Cats are naturally curious creatures. It’s stimulating the sound outside of the car.

Literally me on my commute to and from work


Hes an orange. Overthinking? More like a screen saver

That is sooooo cute! What’s the name! Purr-fect for a music video..

literally me fr fr

Just look forward, never back kitty.

Life sometimes is fast paced and stressful, take some time to slow down and relax yknow? They will be waitin for you and if not well guess its not meant to be.

When you realized the futility of existence ๐Ÿ˜„


Makin’ my way downtown ๐ŸŽถ๐ŸŽถ

โ€œHome. Iโ€™m going homeโ€ as the camera pans out to the Hollywood sign and the song โ€œkiss meโ€ starts to play as credits roll

what is life just a giant liter box.

“Am I in a music video?”

Just got laid off at workโ€ฆ how do I tell the missus and them pesky kids?

this is me right now

This could be an album cover.

” I could stare at myself ALL day long…. I just got ‘IT’ going on….. yup I do”๐Ÿค—


I think having even one thought would be overthinking for this guy.

So precious.

Every day is an adventure with a catโ€ฆ

When you’re on your way to the vet but start questioning all your life choices. ๐Ÿ˜ฟ๐Ÿ’ญ

Listening to depressing songs in back of car

the ride back home after parents not buying that cat toy you wanted

Sometimes, I honestly just canโ€™t help but wonder, *what could my cat be thinking?*

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