Oxford Scientists Claim to Have Achieved Teleportation Using a Quantum Supercomputer

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This study teleported logical gates across a network, effectively linking separate quantum processors into a distributed quantum computer.

The researchers used trapped-ion qubits housed in small modular units connected via optical fibers and photonic links. This setup enabled quantum entanglement between distant modules, allowing logical operations across different quantum processors.

This could lay the foundation for a future quantum internet, enabling ultra-secure communication and large-scale quantum computation.

Title is misleading. Quantum teleportation was demonstrated in 97 by Bouwmeester et al in Zeilinger‘s lab. Zeilinger got nobel prize in 2022 partly for this.

Cambridge was wondering where the massive hand holding up its middle finger on their front lawn came from.

Last time I checked, no useful information can be shared faster than light, in this universe. Hopefully someone will explain why this is better / different than other similar claims.

Teleportation is easy so long as you redefine ‘teleportation’ to mean something other than its commonly understood meaning!

Wake me when someone is moving matter directly between two distant points in space.

Oh look, yet another article touting quantum entanglement as teleportation again

They teleported logical gates

You’ll know about it when a fly gets in with you. Jeff goldblum ain’t never been right since that happened.


Funny business at a distance (yet strangely following quantum laws)


um… China launched a spooky quantum entanglement bonded ions satellite in 2016

how is what oxford doing different?

Again this bs clickbait title. There is still no ftl, otherwise they’d be getting Nobel prize right now.

Anytime you see a headline like this, the article is a massive letdown.

Not teleportation, but still amazing.

Why isnt Kelly LeBrock in this picture?

Really, or did they just get a massive electric shock while stoned?

I thought that was The Chemical Brothers for a sec

Ok, what I really wanna know is how close are we getting to ‘weird science’ Lisa?

They ended up using it as a dating app..good luck you crazy kids

My kids great uncle discovered the qubit. You’re welcome. lol


So…still no stargate?

Anyone can claim. I want to see who can actually demonstrate this.


inb4 we get close to 0 latency quantum networking, that would be so sick. Not sure if that is even possible, but like to think it is

I wondered where my keys went.

I thought they teleported themselves much smaller and inside an old computer.

Steins gate music intensifies

You go first

Pffft. My wife can teleport money all around the world just with a crappy old iPad.

Something something tf2 something something bread

Now laugh.

Was there a Miles O’Brien working on the project ?

Do they have a different definition of “teleportation” or do I just not understand something here?

Here’s definition from Cambridge dictionary:

teleportation – the act of traveling by an imaginary very fast form of transportation that uses special technology or special mental powers, or of causing someone or something to travel in this way



Could someone explain what am I missing here?

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