Palestinian refugees expelled from their homeland during Israel’s establishment in 1948

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These comments are gonna be educational and civilized!

The whole situation is sad.

It’s sad that we can’t just say this is sad on a human level without engaging in copy and paste post wars. I hope that all of these people’s ancestors are able to find safety, shelter, and prosperity.

We’re the British involved in this plan because they did the same in India in 1947 and created Pakistan leading millions of refugees, migration, and killings.

My grandparents survived the Nakba. To do this day my grandmother asks if she can visit her village, Al Sarafand, which was ethnically on cleansed 16 July 1948.

Fucking Christ, this post is 100% getting locked at some point.

And people think oct 7 was the beginning.

Not seen here are the same approximate number of Jews kicked out from their homes across the Middle East. About 750,000. The difference being those Jews were simply incorporated into Israel, unlike the Palestinians who remain refugees in the various host countries. Waiting for a country that has never existed before.

The Nakba

Only Ignorant and uneducated people think that this has just started happening recently. Nah, they displaced generations of people, some who have never even been able to go to their own homeland.

When your ancestors stole something it’s not your “homeland” the owners are back sorry.

This all started with African colonialism that started 1.75 million years ago.

Completely ignoring how the Arabs rejected the UN partition plan, where they would have received more of the region than they have now, in order to invade the Jewish partition and run Jews out of the region, subsequently losing, with most of their territory being annexed by its former coalition allies.

The amount of mental gymnastics Zionists perform to victimize themselves while simultaneously perpetrating some of the worse crimes against humanity this world has ever seen will never cease to surprise me

Israel jumped out of a burning building and onto native Palestinians.

Palestine was not responsible for Jewish expulsion.

Israel was directly responsible for the expulsion of native Palestinians.

The amount of hasbara and nakba denial on this thread is absolutely nauseating.

Thats how you create an apartheid, people dont know the actual history .

Israel is a rotten apple from the start

I’m watching a show on Disney+ right now about the holocaust and the displacement of Jews in Europe, the irony that many of those very same displaced people would go on to do the same to this group of people here.

It really beggars belief. Of all people who should know better.

This sub is filled with Hasbara propaganda defending this and spreading misinformation online

It’s so depressing.

What happened to non muslims in a muslim countries? like pakistan and bangladesh

If they were really expelled.. can someone answer why only 50% left 🤣🤣and the other 50% remained

Nearly 80 years and still happening…

Looks like the exodus to Europe in 2016

Otherwise known as ethnic cleansing for the sake of zi0nist lebensraum/apartheid state.

Israel is committing genocide.

Imagine how things looked during the Muslim conquest circa 700

Palestinians got kicked out after Arabians and Palestinians’ failed attempt to eliminate all Jews in the Middle East right after ww2.

Hasbara has infiltrated the chat.

“Expelled from their homeland”, ha. I think you mean Jordan

Now do Jews expelled from Arab countries. Or Jews expelled from Israel after the Arabs conquered it from the Romans

Israeli propaganda going wild in these comments

Part of r/israelcrimes

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