Part 2: Purpose

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I threw out my back once when I stood up from my computer desk.

As I was crying and crawling on all fours to the couch, my cats were rubbing up against me and jumping on my back. 

Cat: Stress feeding the cat can help.

*later as a fat cat*

Cat: i regret nothing from this exchange.

Kitties always care. Nothing like the feeling of love from a cat.

Don’t forget to take breaks for your mental health if you can. Dont worry, we will be here to support you during and whenever you return!

Yep, sounds like a cat

Do not destroy yourself for a world that couldn’t be bothered to save itself.

Ma’am this is dangerously close to a Garfield strip. Tread carefully, the curse may find you

I feel the same lately, got no drive, nothing to keep me going. Everything feels so pointless and I don’t know why.


Gifs of donkeys always cheer me up (a little)

I love your work 🙂

And five minutes after you feed them, the same scene plays out.

My dog just tries to shove her ass in my face when I’m overwhelmed and on the floor

It’s this supposed to be Garfield parody with it’s anti humor?


At least you still have your sense of humour!

Cheer up german elections could have ended worse

Reminds me of Big Bang Theory.

Leonard: I have a problem
Sheldon: Does it affect me?
Leonard: No
Sheldon: Then suffer in silence

Can we talk about this Reddit? Can I share my opinion on this?

You know it’s rough when the condition DonaldTrumpussmallushandsus has been caught by the self insert

Did Jack pay you to draw this?
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“you’ll stop thinking about your troubles after I bite you”

Ellen, I pride myself on being a pleasant, happy person. Faith and optimism drive my day-to-day life.
I have discovered, since January 6, that I am almost constantly angry and upset.
I am finding it extremely difficult to maintain optimism or faith in the future, in the light of everything that is going on.
I can only imagine how much more difficult it must be for you, who is expected to create art that filters life around you through a lens of humor.
I don’t know what advice to give, as much as I want to, so I will just express appreciation for your role in the fight. You are not alone.

Just wanted to say, you’re doing a banger job communicating urgency, and when all this is over, you’ll be remembered as a crucial part of the awakening of the people.

That actually make sense… You may see him eating

My cat knows I can tell the difference between the “Pay attention to meeeeee” meow and the “I’m hungry” meow. He has now used it to manipulate me to move if I’m sad sofa-rotting. I know it’s because “Hey I can get extra food if I make THIS noise” instead, but I like to think he knows when I need to snap out of it. Because I’m naive like that…

As a cat owner, this is all so true

such a noble cause.. what virtue will be found climbing this mountain? only the kibble knows


Where’s Shelly??

Mine just likes to stick her butt in my face.

i know what you mean

This is the truth. Other day I was lying face down on the floor in pain (chronic thing) and my cat walked up like he was going be cuddly, and instead bit me right on the arm. When I reacted, he walked straight to his dish and start meowing. Typical

It’s true. Every morning when I’m about to leave for work, I say in my singsong puppy voice: “ooookaaaay. I’ve gotta go to *WORK* so I can make *MONEY* so *I CAN FEED YOU* and *BUY YOU TREATS*. Love you, bye :)”

The capitalized words I give the dogs super scritchens in their fav spots.

There will always be a tomorrow, and if tomorrow isn’t better there will always be tomorrow’s tomorrow, and so on.

What’s important is that we don’t give up and that we keep fighting to make tomorrow and tomorrow’s tomorrow better than today.

We all have things we can and can’t do to fight back against fascism based on our own personal stations in life, and your station affords you a platform to speak from. And I think that you’ve done a much better job than most people with such platforms of using it to affect change. Between pointing out logical inconsistencies and hypocrisy in the MAGA movement and calling out its needless cruelty, you’ve done more than I have, and probably more than I *could*, despite me being a native citizen of the United States.

At the very least, you can be assured that you’ve done your part better than most.

Cats not wrong.

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Oh pizzacake we’re here for you but also feed your damn cat! He’s withering away before our eyes


More creative than the last one I’ll give you that. Cats are great and give us great companionship.

Just feed them on time so they don’t turn on you

hey, you okay? pizza? cake?

Wanna talk about it ?

is it the world going *gestures at everything* ?

or is it something closer to home?


5th panel: cat turns around and shows you their butthole

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