Participation trophies for everyone lol

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Might have just been a top three rule, where you only wear the highest three ribbons. It’s come into and out of fashion over the years

Top three rule, that’s what the real professionals do.

I’m not even military and I know this is way out of context. You have to understand what the medals mean and how many can be worn if chosen. Just more unnecessary and inflammatory posting.

Two different uniforms with two different standards for display.

One is a modern full formal dress uniform and the other is an older daily work uniform.

Here is Ike in a more formal uniform.
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That blue bar on the top means dude on the right has seen active combat.

OP shitposting from moms basement could literally never.

Wars / campaigns Mark Milley won:

Panama in 1989

Haiti in 1994

NATO Mission in Bosnia 1995-1996

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Some of what he was actually awarded/earned.

More out of context propaganda

I see the humor here but a long and short tab are not participation trophies

Unless you know what each of those are for, maybe you shouldn’t make assumptions.

I feel like participation in an armed conflict even with minimal achievement is slightly more justified than trophies for the entire peewee soccer team that got last place.

Top Three. 5 stars means you don’t need to brag about a thing.

OP doesn’t know what ‘Boomer’ means.

Does it concern anyone that we’re interacting with OP who is a bot?

What war did he lose?

So tired of people insulting Gen Milley.

He stopped Trump from a second coup attempt after Jan 6th failed.

So Trump and MAGA attack him.

Don’t join the insurrection

Fun fact, Generals can modify their uniforms as they see fit, everyone else has to follow the rules. Small perk for the achievement of reaching the pinnacle of the military rank structure.

Just the top three medals are authorized though.

I’m a baby boomer and I got a participation ribbon at a horse show. So it’s been going on for a while now.

Medals and ribbons arent solely for wars, nor are they participation trophies. They’re actually given for specific things like joining in time of war/conflict, munitions capabilities, and other various qualifications. I’m a navy vet, as far as I’m aware, there is no medal or ribbon for “winning a war”

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Participation trophy

I did some work for the association of the US Army, and they actually track this stuff for stolen valor when found in photos.

Every kid I knew threw out the participation trophies after the event.

And we relentlessly mocked whoever won for being a “browner”.

During the 80s, being an overachiever was a great way to get bullied and have no friends.

Ignorant and out of context. Good grief.

Makes me think of Philip Mountbatten’s uniforms when he’d go into public.

Had Bob Ross’ entire pallet on his breast; most of them unjustified

Don’t think Eisenhower was a boomer

Eisenhower Was a great man.So screw you for shitting on him

OP is a clown

I love cocksuckers like this degrading our military.
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They’re the ones handing out those dumb trophies 🙄🙄🙄 can’t stand the idea their child may not be special. No kid over the age of 5 wants a participation trophy

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