Path of Exile devs speaking about nerfing but no buffing in sight.

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Skeleton Archer gas/flamewall SRS is the only thing getting my witch through the game. I want to play totems not rely on these spells.

Persistent skills affect gas grenade too strongly.

Ok, GGG. So you’re changing the interaction between persistent skills and gas grenade?

Nah, we’re just nerfing gas grenade.

Well at least respeccing is cheap, right guys?

The only thing I care about is buffing currency and loot drops, it’s hard to address problems with my build when I have no currency or items to do so.

It’s especially rough since it’s a new game so there are no guides or builds, so people who have no idea what they’re doing with limited gear and currency are struggling.

Nice, just after I specced into maximizing gas grenade explosions on my merc.

Time to speedrun the rest of cruel before this hotfix hits I guess.

Nerfing super overpowered skill is understandable but why not buff those underpowered skill at the same time?

How about they buff orb drops, No regals all game 😂

Ya… Even if they don’t it would be nice to at least have a post about what they are seeing and planning to do. It’s a bit rough for them to be only doing player nerfs when there are clearly other things they can at least address with the community even if they aren’t making any of the changes being asked for.

The gameplay loop is edge forward on the map a little bit, panic cast 2 setup skills chain casting primary dmg spell while slowly backing away and hope a lucky hit doesnt kill you, pick up no loot. Rinse, repeat.

“If you don’t like it play PoE 1!”

Well they probably would if the league wasn’t delayed due to PoE 2.

Bro I thought the gas and fire combos were so much fun please no nerf

Not gonna lie, if their idea of fun is to be forced to constantly use 5 skills every step I take kill normal pack I’m not going to be playing poe anymore

Maybe they should buff the other grenades because right now gas grenades are the only ones that actually do anything
Edit: they’ve pretty much halved the damage lmao, grenadier merc is dead in the water now

Fun detected, nerf expected

(Act3) Shh, no one tell them about Warrior Autoattack. With dualwielding 2H it’s my highest dps option by a mile. I just chunk away at bosses. For clearing I mainly just leap slam with a few Sunders, but find myself autoattacking even then.

They are nerfing everything cool, so I guess I play an autoattack build?

I have tomorrow off to play Poe 2 but I’m going to work instead.

It’s very clear from years of interviews that this is the game the devs want. I wouldn’t expect any monumental changes going forward until it’s clear they’re not maintaining/creating new whales.


Why dont they lower respec cost specially when they nerf skills? Im almost always at <5k gold because i keep respecing to test things.



First they came for supercharged slam and i was not complaining because it was clearly doing too much fucking damage.

Then they came for magnetic salvo and i was still fine because it is a shotgunning AoE bomb that would clean house even with 40% nerf.

Then they came for gas cloud flame wall and i was fine because i was not Ben_.

At last they came and took away MS on tailwind and nobody was there to witness it.

I am surprised still no nerf on bell damage when it seems to be doing way more, seeing invokers just melt bosses like its nothing. Wonder how will the change be, hope it’s not straight up making the skill worthless.

another day another nerf. still waiting for some “BUFF” tho.

First time exile….

But for real, they always do this, it’s terrible optics but they don’t seem to give a shit. It’s always nerf first/bugfix then in 2 weeks some slight tweaks. They are happy with the game, just because reddit isn’t is inconsequential to them, they are looking at concurrent players and thats decently high right now 300k players on steam? that number will tank in about 2-3 days but for right now thats a win for them.

So my grenadier Merc build is going to be nerfed because of how gas interacts with persistent skills? Cool, man. How about we nerf the interaction itself?

No fun allowed!

they are making the same mistake as diablo 4, taking away our toys, but not giving something back. we understand that bringing 1 skill down is easier than bring the rest on par.

It’s because they are able to say the fixes. I’d imagine they’re looking at other feedback, but if it was me, I wouldn’t say I’m fixing it until I know what I’m going to do and when I’m going to do it.

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