Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain!

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What a truly mad headline.

Guys, please don’t replace the culture war with a class war—we’ll die

Fixed the headline

Culture war keeps the 99% fighting each other while the 1% keeps getting richer. 99>1

No War but Class War

Send all the wealthy to the guillotine! Vive la révolution!

Shameful to see who grifts for the wealthy.

Looks like Alice Thomson can be safely ignored for the rest of her career.

Eat the rich

I’m so ready for the Class War. Let’s go!

> Don’t replace the culture war with class war

In other words: *The working class “should” keep fighting amongst themselves*.

The culture war exists specifically to avoid a class war! They need to keep the lower classes fighting each other, otherwise nothing is stopping all of us from rising up and taking down the rich b**ches.

Well, of course! They can manipulate and profit from a culture war. They wanna keep the peasants devided and squabbling among themselves, occasionally fanning the flames and tossing down some scraps for them to fight over, so that they won’t look too closely at who is causing the real problems. You can tell the fat cats are getting nervous these past couple of weeks.

“keep fighting among yourselves, don’ fight against us, we worked so hard to make you angry at each other and forget we are screwing you.”

Don’t replace the fictitious culture war with the actual class war.

There’s been a class war Warren Buffett already announced that back in 08- his words “ of course there’s a class war, my class started it and is winning”

We should replace the culture war with the class war and start with billionaire media moguls – just sayin’

There is no true culture war. Culture War Implies that our culture is under attack when we are spread a melting pot. There is only Class War.

Alexa.. play Eat the Rich by Motorhead.

They seem a little nervous to me. Good

Yeah the culture war is sooooo fun, I never want it to end. I love fighting about *checks notes* bathrooms and reading stories to children.

Turn on the Guillotine

The conceptual title for this article was probably something like “It’s only a matter of time before the people truly discover how complicit the media has been in taking gobs of money to willfully misinform the American people, and I don’t want to face consequences for my part in it.”

Damn fellas is it gay to participate in class wars?

I’m so sad it took a CEO getting merc’d to make people talk about class warfare on this scale. I’m glad we’re finally talking about it with something relatively in the ballpark of the severity and sincerity it deserves, just wish we’d been acknowledging who the real enemy is years ago.

No, do. Do replace the fucking culture war with a god damn class war. I’ve been saying this shit since before COVID. Don’t get race baited, stop getting upset over religion, eat the god damned rich.

damn they aren’t even subtle anymore

Why on Earth not?

The culture war is part of the existing class war, some people just don’t realize it.

Why not?  

The Culture War is just an aspect of the Class War being waged by the ruling class against the rest of us

Say that behind an anonymous account on Truth Social, not in public with your byline and picture attached! What are we teaching kids in school these days?!

Nah imma replace the culture war.

Honestly hell yeah class wars lets do it! Ill be a mage

Please keep fighting among yourselves while we rob you blind

I’m all for class war. It’s us against them. If you’ve got millions or billions in your bank you better start acting right. Mario’s brother isn’t the only crazy person we got on the roster.

Y’all gotta read the article, which is about messaging in the campaigns of Labor and Conservative in the UK. Its point also isn’t ridiculous, as it says that Labor needs to stop bashing on the elites, as more and more of their voter become more educated and upper middle class


“No no people, keep fighting amongst yourselves for the scraps we leave you. Don’t look up!”

Haha whoops! Somebody forgot to tell her you aren’t actually supposed to SAY that.

You’re *supposed* to attack some minority group or marginalized people that some folks don’t like so that some of us rush to defend them and some of us join in the attack.

Ugh, noobs, giving the game away

there’s already a class war, the upper class have convinced you to fight amongst each other over menial differences with very sophisticated propaganda

Nobody likes the culture wars. I know tons of hardcore trumpers, and despite taking part in them, not a single one of them *likes* the way they divide us and distract us from the real issues facing the country.

Fuck you, Alice.

The culture war has been bought for and carefully crafted to prevent a class war, it would be a waste to let all that effort be for nothing.

“Nooooo don’t hate rich people, they worked so hard to make all that money! You should be hating gay people and immigrants!”

I give 100bucks for the next guy who take down a elite scumbag

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