pays to be rich

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literally, it’s so painfully obvious that rich people lobbying has turned government institutions into their lap dogs.

Really? What’s the government response? I haven’t really heard any, and I just did a quick google search that turned up nothing, so I’m curious.

With enough money, any company can do anything. They own us more than the government does.

See, my generations mistake was not buying during the housing crash when we where 11.

Government response when swarms of drones shut down airports:


Yup they did a huge manhunt utilizing nationwide facial identification network across multiple agencies of law enforcement, where is that response for EVERY OTHER MURDER that happens?

It an insult to us all. They only care about the ultra rich. Everyone else is expendable.

How much will it take for all of us regular citizens to be fed up with the hypocrisy?

Any context for the government response after the CEO murder? Or are people just inventing things to support their point?

Well, “thoughts and prayers” don’t work for CEOs because they have no souls

Tbh what has the government actually done about the ceo shooting? There was the manhunt for him but it’s not like the school shooters escape, they all either get arrested or kill themselves. Hochul apparently talked about making a hotline for them but that’s a pretty nothing response imo.

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One *scummy* CEO

This is rage bait because I see them talk about everything

The king and his advisors do not panic when the orphanage burns but when one of the kings advisers is murdered in the streets, there is now an outrage

How is this not enough to wake people up to the fact the entire system is criminal?

Why do we allow ourselves to live like this?

Number of calls for gun control when health care CEO is shot? Zero.

Government wanted to act but people elected fascist. So fuck off and fafo

pays to be ~~rich~~ european

I guess if a few more CEOs die, we might get some common sense gun legislation.😕

Remember nothing got better for Escobar until he targeted the rich. Target the rich.

Tbh it’s the same for regular people …. Someone shoots a school no one blinks their eye , this guy killed another person and all of a sudden people want to act like he’s a hero

Hey, they’re really close to finding the Boeing whistleblower’s killer ……..

Very few of those kids know how to form a nonprofit foundation, and get all your first-degree relatives seats on the board.

The Life-Giving Sword by Yagyu Munenori

High profile murders are investigated more than low profile murders. I’m shocked that reddit can’t fathom that. If it was a celebrity or athlete you’d have the same coverage

That’s because we pay their salaries but CEO’s give bigger bribes.

This is crazy because the good guys are still in office. How could this happen when the saviors of democracy are still in power?

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Well the gov is owned by big corps so this makes perfect sense tbh

You will have to remind me. What legislation was passed in response to the killing of Brian Thompson?

Well you see someone’s worth as a person is directly connected to how wealthy they are. And it will stay that way until the rich aren’t in charge any more

Overall on point, but the GOP government officials who saw this as yet another opportunity to propagandistically paint LGBTQ as killers, and a threat to American society, were not asleep.

One of these things is much scarier for bad people than the other.

Why aren’t the students billionaires?

The day you understand that your life isn’t important to any politician you’ll be a happier person

Kids don’t bribe politicians, they know who krabbies their patties.

I’ve heard one 15 second news story about the school shootings on TV, the CEO shooting has been covered every 15 minutes it seems.

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