PC Master Race

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That’s absolutely me, aside from the dual monitors part. I went this way instead.
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You guys only have 2 monitors?

2045 2 gpu AND 2 monitors?

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me with my monitor only build looking at this like

I had two before 2009, schools just gave them away when they upgraded.

Still one GPU, still one monitor, still 16:9, still 1080, still no RT or DLSS, still no rgb (besides keyboard, keyboard is fine), still using a wood plank on trestles, no gaming chair, still xDSL, happy about it, and I wont surrend.
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Call me a boomer but I have never gotten used to a dual monitor setup. I really don’t like the neck turning motion you have to do.

no u

ultrawide master race

SLI was sick!

why is it uncommon to use 2 GPUs in recent years? is it the price? size? insignificant boost in performance?

Still chilling my my Radeon 4770’s

Happy as a clam

In 2007, I had a tri monitor setup until I moved in 2018.

My good old dual GTX 680 sli setup was glorious, I was able to play Crysis 2 1440p maxed out at 40-60fps. It felt like I was glimpsing into the future at the time lol

2 power cables are next

Dude, we were double monitor dual SLI in 2006 thank you very much

Where’s the dedicated PhysX gpu

Big gpu for the main monitor and blender.

Small gpu for the other 3 monitors.

2009 is back with the need for dedicated PhysX coprocessor cards babyyy

So… it should either be 3 monitors, or one ultrawide.

1 monitor gang rise up

Dual GPUs for theoretically increased performance

on another note tho,is it worth it to have mount bracket for two monitors?

Troth 😅

How many monitors is 2 much I’ve only got 2

Was running dual monitors on a pci powered card back then, good times

Living our best lives

this was correct for 2015; in 2025, it’s all about a sffx with a 65″ @120 fps

Close enough…

I don’t know why I still have an SLI bridge in my tech bag, but I do.

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