I had an N64 in my teens. My favourite game was Goldeneye, which barely ran at 20fps.
3 months ago
There’s probably something wrong with me but I can go from PS2 games on my 20 year old TV and then to PS5 games on my new TV and back again and it just doesn’t bother me.
3 months ago
If I’m not mistaken, there are some ps2 games that were 60 fps. Or at least the really big titles like ratchet and clank and possibly jak and Daxter?
3 months ago
Fps don’t matter that much, it’s the stuttering.
3 months ago
There is a lot of 60fps games on ps2 actually
3 months ago
Back in those days we didnt know what was 60 fps and what was 30 fps. All we knew is that certain games felt smoother than others but we chalked that up to game design, at least my kids brain did at the time. I remember playing the remaster of Ninja Gaiden Sigma for the first time and was amazed at how smooth it was lol. One of my favorite multiplayer games back then was Killzone and i dont think there is anyways a game like that could come out without people flaming the performance of it lol since it ran at 30 fps. It sacrificed performance for good visuals. I was kinda tired of the simple COD graphics at the time and Killzone was defintely scratching that immersive experience.
3 months ago
When people say 30fps everyone sees a different image.
Frame pacing makes all the difference in the world.
Bloodborne feels ok at 30fps, but Stalker 2 feels jittery and nigh unplayable even at 45.
Playing a game at a stable 30fps with stable frame pacing and animations made with 30fps in mind is a VERY different experience to playing a game that’s meant to run at 60+fps but drops down to 30
3 months ago
Bruh .. PS2?
Some of us grew up with nothing but a janky old PC cobbled together from hand-me-downs.
I stubbornly suffered through entire games at 10fps, which would sometimes freeze for entire seconds at a time, simply because all of my friends were playing them and I didn’t want to miss out.
3 months ago
Didn’t like… A majority of PS2 games run at 60? I may be misremembering but I feel like I read this somewhere
3 months ago
MGS2 ran at 60fps on the PS2.
There’s no excuse for games on hardware 100x more powerful to not be able to make that.
3 months ago
I see your ps2 and raise you a regular Nintendo.
3 months ago
pc unironically is different and I’m shocked no one talks about it
a solid STABLE 30fps on a TV is genuinely fine. On a monitor and in your face it absolutely sucks for some reason
like I’m playing a game at 30 fps rn despite playing games at 60 every day. its 100% an acceptable way of playing
that said some people do actually have a problem with their eyes. getting headaches and such playing 30fps. obviously these people are weak and we are higher beings, but you can’t help that happening to you
3 months ago
Low end players exist. 20 fps is very playable even with 720p. Low settings too.
3 months ago
didn’t I just see this posted here yesterday or so lol
3 months ago
TL;DR: weak CPU/unoptimized game for CPU will lead to stuttering, which is worse than a consistent 30FPS on consoles regardless of your avg FPS. Consoles are more CPU optimized because devs only need to target 1-2 different CPUs.
honestly, the main issue is CPU and not GPU.
30FPS can be fine, IF you have a beefy enough CPU.
and people always say 30FPS is fine on consoles, but not fine on PC.
This is mainly because, on consoles, the games are super optimized for their CPU. One CPU with a specific corecount. This is why even on the PS4 Pro, the cpu is the same. Because the game can run at HD or 4K, but the CPU must be the same, because if the ps4 pro can run it, the base ps4 must also be able to run it.
A lack of CPU power/optimization will lead to stutters. which is the cause of when people say the game is “choppy”. Console titles, especially first party ones, never have this issue because they were often built with 1 target CPU in mind. The cpu loads are smoothly spread out amongst the cores and time so they never impact framerate too much.
as for PCs, people who are playing on 30 FPS probably have an older GPU, which most likely mean they have an older CPU. IMO having a good enough CPU is way more important than having a great GPU, because you can always tune down resolution/quality to compensate for a weaker GPU, but theres really nothing you can do if your CPU is too weak for the game.
3 months ago
3 months ago
30 ain’t even that bad tf? There is a difference between smooth and choppy 30. Some games are very choppy at 30 due to God awful optimization. Some games are designed around 30 and feel fine
3 months ago
Yea it’s honestly not bad…I played all of the silent hill 2 remake on the 30FPS mode, and it’s added to the experience imo
3 months ago
The highest rated game on Metacritic runs at 20fps
3 months ago
The human eye basically functions at 30fps btw
3 months ago
I mean, is it unplayable? No. But 60 is certainly preferable, I can’t imagine a good argument for why it isn’t. It just looks better, at least to me.
I don’t think people coming about 30fps has anything to do with age. I also grew up with the PS2 but get pretty picky when it comes to fps.
That’s not even to mention the obvious oversight of this meme which is that there are a good amount of PS2 games that ran at 60fps. God of War, Sly Cooper, Jak and Daxter, Metal Gear Solid 2, Ratchet and Clank, these all ran at 60fps. If anything, the people growing up with the PS2 might be more picky because these big titles all supported it.
3 months ago
ps2 had so many games running at 60 fps because of how it was design.
then add the fact we played it on a CRT.
so as a fellow ps2 user… fuck 30 fps.
3 months ago
Back then we had to deal with 20 to 25fps
30fps was luxury back then
The first game i played that had 60fps was Star Ocean Till the End of Time on PS2 and it was mind blowing how smooth gaming was during that time
3 months ago
The only time I ever notice frame rates is when they drop. That’s it. Keep it consistent and I do not give a fuck.
3 months ago
I still don’t notice it. I’m used to my NES games dipping into single digits.
3 months ago
I played on potato computer for a decade because I didn’t want to buy a console as I get addicted to games easily. 20 FPS was good, everything was min settings I didn’t care at all and thought people were just whining about some small thing.
Anyway I got a PS5 and played Demon Souls and Sekiro and both looked and felt smooth and amazing. Then I played Bloodborne and hoooooly shit going from a smooth 60 fps back to 30 fps is utterly jarring. I couldn’t believe how stark the difference was and how bad it made things feel, I ate my words pretty quick.
Took 1 hour to adjust then I never noticed/cared again. As long as it’s STABLE 30fps it’s totally fine.
3 months ago
lol a ps2? Look at Mr Youngguns over here
3 months ago
This is why ive only played bloodborne once. Cant wait till they smooth out the emulation.
3 months ago
Been playing a game at around 22-30 fps and it is nearly unplayable. But only because the framerate determines the speed of everything in game. So I move at about 1/2 the intended speed. Great for fights but when I need to cross the map I want to die.
3 months ago
I ate dino nuggets and chocolate milk as a kid and thought it was a 5 star meal. So?
3 months ago
I remember once the only way for me to play terraria was on my chromebook, and it was at 12-14FPS constantly. Did I care? No. I was playing terraria.
3 months ago
I remember a time when PC names ended in “86” and let me tell you: getting 30 fps was definitely a luxury.
3 months ago
Everything above 25 is ok with me
3 months ago
Bish, I’ve completed Half Life 2 with 14fps the first time I played it.
3 months ago
I can’t be the only one who doesn’t notice a difference between 30 and 60.
3 months ago
PSone 🤘
3 months ago
I honestly can’t tell
3 months ago
going from 60 fps to 30 fps is like being in a very dark room and suddenly turning on the light, it will hurt to see but becomes bearable with exposure
3 months ago
Damn, this is me ngl, I kinda miss this, is hard to get back to 30fps after playing 100+fps on almost all games nowadays on PC.
3 months ago
This post was written by a AAA publisher.
Optimize your games. Yes, 30 FPS is literally unplayable. If your game runs at 30 FPS on my PC, I will refund it immediately.
3 months ago
i grew up playing pc games at 30fps because i didn’t have a proper gaming computer for a while, but one you hit 60 fps in a game 30 just looks awful and unplayable
3 months ago
Me who grew up with the GBC and PS1 watching both of them…
“You sweet, sweet children.”
3 months ago
Having access to 60FPS is always the better option in my opinion, but I won’t spit on a console game for not offering the option to run smoother than cuter.
3 months ago
The issue isn’t that it’s unplayable, grim my understanding this is a misrepresentation of the argument. The issue is it’s 2024, video games have come a long way to the point where 60 fps is not only achievable but the norm, so it’s weird developers are taking a step back in that regard, any regard really without much good reason.
3 months ago
I played in the psp when I was young (twas peak back then)
3 months ago
There’s no reason these consoles can’t run at least 60FPS on 1080
3 months ago
Many of us played Red Dead 1 on the PS3 which ran at like 15 fps.
3 months ago
Returning to something worse is challenging when you are used to something better.
3 months ago
It’s almost as if standards gets higher with time and better technology hmmm weird
3 months ago
Bloodborne is apparently locked in at 30 FPS and I don’t even notice it.
I had an N64 in my teens. My favourite game was Goldeneye, which barely ran at 20fps.
There’s probably something wrong with me but I can go from PS2 games on my 20 year old TV and then to PS5 games on my new TV and back again and it just doesn’t bother me.
If I’m not mistaken, there are some ps2 games that were 60 fps. Or at least the really big titles like ratchet and clank and possibly jak and Daxter?
Fps don’t matter that much, it’s the stuttering.
There is a lot of 60fps games on ps2 actually
Back in those days we didnt know what was 60 fps and what was 30 fps. All we knew is that certain games felt smoother than others but we chalked that up to game design, at least my kids brain did at the time. I remember playing the remaster of Ninja Gaiden Sigma for the first time and was amazed at how smooth it was lol. One of my favorite multiplayer games back then was Killzone and i dont think there is anyways a game like that could come out without people flaming the performance of it lol since it ran at 30 fps. It sacrificed performance for good visuals. I was kinda tired of the simple COD graphics at the time and Killzone was defintely scratching that immersive experience.
When people say 30fps everyone sees a different image.
Frame pacing makes all the difference in the world.
Bloodborne feels ok at 30fps, but Stalker 2 feels jittery and nigh unplayable even at 45.
Playing a game at a stable 30fps with stable frame pacing and animations made with 30fps in mind is a VERY different experience to playing a game that’s meant to run at 60+fps but drops down to 30
Bruh .. PS2?
Some of us grew up with nothing but a janky old PC cobbled together from hand-me-downs.
I stubbornly suffered through entire games at 10fps, which would sometimes freeze for entire seconds at a time, simply because all of my friends were playing them and I didn’t want to miss out.
Didn’t like… A majority of PS2 games run at 60? I may be misremembering but I feel like I read this somewhere
MGS2 ran at 60fps on the PS2.
There’s no excuse for games on hardware 100x more powerful to not be able to make that.
I see your ps2 and raise you a regular Nintendo.
pc unironically is different and I’m shocked no one talks about it
a solid STABLE 30fps on a TV is genuinely fine. On a monitor and in your face it absolutely sucks for some reason
like I’m playing a game at 30 fps rn despite playing games at 60 every day. its 100% an acceptable way of playing
that said some people do actually have a problem with their eyes. getting headaches and such playing 30fps. obviously these people are weak and we are higher beings, but you can’t help that happening to you
Low end players exist. 20 fps is very playable even with 720p. Low settings too.
didn’t I just see this posted here yesterday or so lol
TL;DR: weak CPU/unoptimized game for CPU will lead to stuttering, which is worse than a consistent 30FPS on consoles regardless of your avg FPS. Consoles are more CPU optimized because devs only need to target 1-2 different CPUs.
honestly, the main issue is CPU and not GPU.
30FPS can be fine, IF you have a beefy enough CPU.
and people always say 30FPS is fine on consoles, but not fine on PC.
This is mainly because, on consoles, the games are super optimized for their CPU. One CPU with a specific corecount. This is why even on the PS4 Pro, the cpu is the same. Because the game can run at HD or 4K, but the CPU must be the same, because if the ps4 pro can run it, the base ps4 must also be able to run it.
A lack of CPU power/optimization will lead to stutters. which is the cause of when people say the game is “choppy”. Console titles, especially first party ones, never have this issue because they were often built with 1 target CPU in mind. The cpu loads are smoothly spread out amongst the cores and time so they never impact framerate too much.
as for PCs, people who are playing on 30 FPS probably have an older GPU, which most likely mean they have an older CPU. IMO having a good enough CPU is way more important than having a great GPU, because you can always tune down resolution/quality to compensate for a weaker GPU, but theres really nothing you can do if your CPU is too weak for the game.
30 ain’t even that bad tf? There is a difference between smooth and choppy 30. Some games are very choppy at 30 due to God awful optimization. Some games are designed around 30 and feel fine
Yea it’s honestly not bad…I played all of the silent hill 2 remake on the 30FPS mode, and it’s added to the experience imo
The highest rated game on Metacritic runs at 20fps
The human eye basically functions at 30fps btw
I mean, is it unplayable? No. But 60 is certainly preferable, I can’t imagine a good argument for why it isn’t. It just looks better, at least to me.
I don’t think people coming about 30fps has anything to do with age. I also grew up with the PS2 but get pretty picky when it comes to fps.
That’s not even to mention the obvious oversight of this meme which is that there are a good amount of PS2 games that ran at 60fps. God of War, Sly Cooper, Jak and Daxter, Metal Gear Solid 2, Ratchet and Clank, these all ran at 60fps. If anything, the people growing up with the PS2 might be more picky because these big titles all supported it.
ps2 had so many games running at 60 fps because of how it was design.
then add the fact we played it on a CRT.
so as a fellow ps2 user… fuck 30 fps.
Back then we had to deal with 20 to 25fps
30fps was luxury back then
The first game i played that had 60fps was Star Ocean Till the End of Time on PS2 and it was mind blowing how smooth gaming was during that time
The only time I ever notice frame rates is when they drop. That’s it. Keep it consistent and I do not give a fuck.
I still don’t notice it. I’m used to my NES games dipping into single digits.
I played on potato computer for a decade because I didn’t want to buy a console as I get addicted to games easily. 20 FPS was good, everything was min settings I didn’t care at all and thought people were just whining about some small thing.
Anyway I got a PS5 and played Demon Souls and Sekiro and both looked and felt smooth and amazing. Then I played Bloodborne and hoooooly shit going from a smooth 60 fps back to 30 fps is utterly jarring. I couldn’t believe how stark the difference was and how bad it made things feel, I ate my words pretty quick.
Took 1 hour to adjust then I never noticed/cared again. As long as it’s STABLE 30fps it’s totally fine.
lol a ps2? Look at Mr Youngguns over here
This is why ive only played bloodborne once. Cant wait till they smooth out the emulation.
Been playing a game at around 22-30 fps and it is nearly unplayable. But only because the framerate determines the speed of everything in game. So I move at about 1/2 the intended speed. Great for fights but when I need to cross the map I want to die.
I ate dino nuggets and chocolate milk as a kid and thought it was a 5 star meal. So?
I remember once the only way for me to play terraria was on my chromebook, and it was at 12-14FPS constantly. Did I care? No. I was playing terraria.
I remember a time when PC names ended in “86” and let me tell you: getting 30 fps was definitely a luxury.
Everything above 25 is ok with me
Bish, I’ve completed Half Life 2 with 14fps the first time I played it.
I can’t be the only one who doesn’t notice a difference between 30 and 60.
PSone 🤘
I honestly can’t tell
going from 60 fps to 30 fps is like being in a very dark room and suddenly turning on the light, it will hurt to see but becomes bearable with exposure
Damn, this is me ngl, I kinda miss this, is hard to get back to 30fps after playing 100+fps on almost all games nowadays on PC.
This post was written by a AAA publisher.
Optimize your games. Yes, 30 FPS is literally unplayable. If your game runs at 30 FPS on my PC, I will refund it immediately.
i grew up playing pc games at 30fps because i didn’t have a proper gaming computer for a while, but one you hit 60 fps in a game 30 just looks awful and unplayable
Me who grew up with the GBC and PS1 watching both of them…
“You sweet, sweet children.”
Having access to 60FPS is always the better option in my opinion, but I won’t spit on a console game for not offering the option to run smoother than cuter.
The issue isn’t that it’s unplayable, grim my understanding this is a misrepresentation of the argument. The issue is it’s 2024, video games have come a long way to the point where 60 fps is not only achievable but the norm, so it’s weird developers are taking a step back in that regard, any regard really without much good reason.
I played in the psp when I was young (twas peak back then)
There’s no reason these consoles can’t run at least 60FPS on 1080
Many of us played Red Dead 1 on the PS3 which ran at like 15 fps.
Returning to something worse is challenging when you are used to something better.
It’s almost as if standards gets higher with time and better technology hmmm weird
Bloodborne is apparently locked in at 30 FPS and I don’t even notice it.