Peak character design

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That’s unironically just awful looking and totally out of place in a witcher game. This is like when they gave Aloy a glam makeover, because that’s what one does when they are out in the wilderness fighting robot dinosaurs.

The right one is a clay figure the left one a human being, im confused.

It’s funny to me that people think putting a filter on an already existing image is the same as programming a fully articulate three D model

Some men are deeply offended by women who look like people.


I don’t get the problem with her model. She’s meant to be older and battle worn, there are some cases of grim looking characters in games this ain’t one of them

Are incels so out of touch they think the instagram filters are the real thing? xD

… Like, Ciri is not ugly? The person on the left is a pretty attractive woman all things considered. Have these incels never seen an adult woman in their life? My goodness…

I too would like to know where to acquire skin cream in 1200’s northern Europe.

To be fair, the picture on the right has mega drag vibes. The incel preference for it checks out.

So I checked out the actual post and it turns out she was parodying a past post

Counterpoint: do not, in fact, hire people to make an in-game model based on how pretty they can make a single picture after other people have already done most of the work

The fact they removed Ciri’s cheek scar shows me they are not actually fans.

Unless it’s that same person who glammed up Aloy to make a tongue in cheek commentary about toxic male gamers and instead of introspection, the gamers took it seriously.

The fan has clearly never seen a woman IRL.

Gamers when a character is black:
โ€œMy immersion! What about historical accuracy?!?โ€

Gamers when a female character looks like a human being:

Man the Instagram filters look awful why would anyone prefer that.

that whole asmongold subreddit is basically this. A bunch of loser that dont know how a woman looks like. Its wild. Also, its pretty funny that they just just like a snapchat filter and acting like its “fan made” fuck outter here.

Right one is nightmare material

I’ll take the actual person over the instabimbo, thank you.

Wait what happens when they find out that sheโ€˜s not into boys.

Witcher 4: Bimbo edition

So many makeup options in the Middle Ages

Ciri hunts and fights literal monsters! She would look so stupid if she was all clean and unscarred ๐Ÿคฃ

I donโ€™t understand why some people want female characters in games where it has nothing to do with beauty or shit like that to be in full glam makeup with big ahh lash extensions or basically looking like a brat doll lmao like I just want these people to look human, rough, real and shit like that. And the character is already beautiful? I donโ€™t get it.

A fucking Barbie is what they want? With eyeliner. In a medieval setting

Why did the blue checkmark uglify Ciri?

It is so funny, the people that claim to want the one on the right will also go on dating site and bitch about how all the women are using filters to be thirst traps.

Damn James Charles LOL

The secind pic is my sleep paralysis demon

Looks like a Second Life avatar

God the fanmade looks so fucking terrible

Fuck me, man. Can someone please just drop these idiots off in Skyrim with all the slider Better Body mods they need to satisfy their detachment from reality.

And I say that with no offense intended for Skyrim.

Hire fans lol we know how to make characters marketable to adult balloon makers lol

I find whatever that is on the right to be scary.

It’s gotta be the porn. Somehow these people think that every woman in every form of entertainment has to be masturbation material.

Im not mad, this is just sad.

We used to make fun of japanese Anime addicts. There was a documentary i think it was, where one said

“see? shes better than a real woman. Real women smell bad”

This is now in America. That character is literally a supermodel. But she doesnt look like an Anime Waifu,

so shes imperfect and ugly.

Real women are ugly. Real life is woke.

incels really do love botox-filled LA dolls, huh?

Guys it’s a joke post, Denims is a leftist streamer

That has to be ironic right? Using the “Hire fans lol”? It has to be satirical

Everything about this post and all the comments are infinitely more funny if you know who Denims is lmao

the one on the right looks awful, if that’s how they want women to look then no surprise they can’t get a girlfriend,

They yassified my girl Ciri!

“Fan made” is such a funny phrase when all they did was slap a filter on the pictureย 

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