People making assumptions about Shrek’s daughter

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Am I missing something what about the blue eyes matter?

Idk if it’s hopium or not but a part of me believes that all of the teaser trailer was just a successful ragebait attempt.

People are weird. 

if she was trans they would have probably been the first ones to shout it to the sky

They shouldn’t release it if it’s not done. The redesign is terrible

People MUST be seen caring about what their team tells them they should care about.

Also, who cares if the character is trans? How does knowing that negatively affects you? Why is it a concern?

Guys I thought trans Farkle was a joke. Are people actually pissed about this?


Most people are born with blue eyes and then their eye color develops over several months

Part of Zendaya’s contract.

Where’s the meme? No one actually thinks this


Ptsd from all the crap media forced upon us…

I mean you never know these days…

as an animator, absolutely no chance it was an oversight imo. You have crazy amounts of character sheets, turnarounds etc.. There could have been ovr 100 people working on that teaser, no way nobody pointed it out. I think it was an intentional choice and I wouldn’t be surprised if the character was trans

“The people fucking the corpse of this dead franchise just don’t care about continuity or consistency” is not the defense you think it is.

Design oversight or not, she is trans in the trailer. Now will they backpedal, never address it, or is it actually trans shreky? Remains to be seen.

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