Percentage of adults in the United States identifying as LGBT

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I noticed lots of Subaru Outbacks last time I drove through Vermont

Wonder how much of it that is the B

I’m from South Dakota and know a lot of LGBTQ people, but many don’t come out until they move to Minneapolis. It’s kind of a thing.

This is both “people live in city” and “people are less likely to self report in conservative areas”

So the most queer states in the US are only 4% LGBT? Dayum.

Surprising that Indiana is higher than Illinois.

Source? And why did they not use a gradient?

Using red and blue was a bad decision

In some of those more conservative states reporting low numbers, it could be due to LGBT people feeling unsafe and hiding it/ denying it. It could also be a large percentage of them leaving for more accepting and forward-thinking areas.

Edit: spelling

A lot of very gay cities carrying some very closeted states, I wager.

Here in the Netherlands there was a national survey a couple of weeks ago that found that 17% of the population identified as lgbt. I wonder how much social stigmas affect these polls.

Can we get the data based on city 😆

I’m surprised Georgia isn’t the darkest shade of blue with Atlanta being its capital.

A survey kicking around found some folks thought *27% of the country was trans*.

For everyone wonder where “trans panic” came from, it was manufactured just like Gay Panic

It’s frustrating that it still works.

I’m fairly convinced that if everyone was 100% honest with themselves, the rate in humans would roughly match the rate in other animals, roughly 5-10%

Yet they seem to occupy 100% of right wing politicians minds. Can we just give these people basic human rights so we can move on to the bigger better more pressing issues like how to dampen the blow of the lunatic who’s about to take office?

Strange color scale

That is the craziness about all the fear, rhetoric, hatred, legislation, etc……

It is a negligible portion of society.
Not a majority. Not a powerful minority. Just a very, very small percentage.

Percentage of adults in the US who *publicly* identify as lgbt

Maryland is so gay (in a good way).

A map showing mental illness

This is a horrible map who the hell thought it would be a good idea to display different percentage levels as opposite colors?

Globally, the number of lgbt people is somewhere between 3-7%

Me when I saw that comments on a general post about LGBTQ community are filled with homophobic replies:


I’m Thai, and we have like 5-10% LGBTQ, both conservative and liberal here are really ok with them.

The only group in here that really hate LGBTQ is Thai Muslim, but they are just small minority.

*Percentage of adults in the United States *who feel safe* identifying themselves as LGBT

How is Indiana higher than Illinois???

I thought it was 90%. MSNBC did me dirty.


Looking at my home state of Illinois like

Terrible choice of colors lol

It’s likely more than that. People don’t trust polling companies and so don’t always answer accurately.

Obviously I know these stats aren’t the end all be all but it’s always so hilarious to me that really hardcore conservatives will complain how “theyre turning all our kids gay” when that’s not true, and the numbers back it up too.

Let’s change all the laws for them!

If this were a map of homosexuals in the military before Don’t Ask Don’t Tell were changed, it would be near 0 across the board. The actual number of homosexuals in the military was always higher than the number reported because of bigotry, hate, and prejudice.

This is no different and near impossible to capture accurate numbers because of bigotry, hate, and prejudices.

Suburban upper class high school kids with so little troubles in their life they have to make gender their focus for a personality.

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