Percentage of Muslims in some European countries.

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I’m only here for the comments 🍿


Perfect to put on r/2westerneurope4u with the title “New definition of western europe”

I talked to a guy in Pakistan who told me he understood the anti-Islam/anti-immigration movement in Europe because he wouldn’t want 10% of his country to be British


Am I the only one surprised Spain doesn’t have more considering the history of Muslims in Spain

Remember to sort by controversial.

There is no Europe beyond Austria?

The tables will turn quickly once the boomers die out. The percentage among the under 30 population is completelly different. At least in countries like Germany, Austria or Sweden

Should have included the Balkans

I thought Reddit was a leftwing echo chamber. Look at these comments.

7% right now, 20% in 2050… Germany is fcked

Hopefully a lot of them secularize.

I know and work with two Muslim guys, hard working, great dads, the sort of immigrants you would want in your country.

Sadly however not all Muslim immigrants in the UK are as sociable, considerate and peaceful.

Portugal never been so good 🇵🇹

Isn’t it too dark of a green for 8%? Too much color.

Good luck everyone!

This is disturbing.

With how this comment section is looking you’d think you were on instagram reels

Would like to see percentage of Europeans in countries outside of Europe…

I have some numbers too:

* Western countries with more than 5% Muslims usually have a strong positive correlation between the growth of Muslim population and the threat of Islamic attacks. The more their population grows, the more other people have to conform to Islamic values. [](
* [Pew Research]( New generations of Muslims in the West become more radicalized, more homophobic, sexist, more supportive of Sharia. **22% of young Muslims in Germany and 42% in France sympathize with terrorism and believe there are situations when suicide bombings are justified.** These numbers are worse than older generations. 
* A German survey found that Muslims are the most intolerant group: their probability to accept gay men are less than half compared to people with no religion. [](
* England, Germany, the Netherlands, and Sweden: Muslim students are by far the most homophobic and tend to become more radicalized compared to any other groups. [](
* [UK study:]( 71% of young Muslims (aged 16-24) agree that homosexuality should be illegal; 50%  don’t oppose to the banning of Western laws and the implementation of the violent laws of Sharia in the UK. “This reflects a trend towards extremism on the part of young Muslims in general.”
* Only 27% say it would be undesirable to outlaw gay marriage (compared to 60% of the wider public) [](
* Mass migration of Muslims is the main cause for the sharp rise in homophobia in Europe. 39% of gays in Muslim concentrated areas in France have suffered physical assault. LGBTs in Europe are voting right as a desperate attempt to protect themselves, as the left is silencing the truth.[](
* Future of Italy: As the children of a first generation of immigrants who came to Italy to work come of age, there is concern second-generation Italian Muslims might also suffer from the identity crisis and feeling of alienation that have afflicted their counterparts in countries like France and the United Kingdom. In an increasingly polarized society, extreme Islamist ideology might offer a sense of meaning and purpose sought by those who feel victimized and frustrated. [](

Too much

why isnt Sweden shown

i’ll give the white race another 300-500 years before we’re gone forever.

Bullshit. Way too low

W Poland

the most common baby boy’s name in london and the top 10 towns around london shows this is wrong or out of date.





Let the slaughter in the comments begin

In Spain there are already 5% of Muslims (2521000 according to the last census)

I know it’s not Europe but what about Australia/Canada/NZ ?

80% will reject being asimilated and make their own groups write my words

France is cooked 😭😭

That is… a lot smaller than I thought it would be

you should fix the title to:
Percentage of Muslims with citizenship in some European countries.

France 8%? U.K 6%? COME-ON. it only open the eyes of how many of them illegal.

Jesus Christ some of these comments are vile

Ah yes, ragebait maps.

I can smell the comment section just by looking at the post


Now let’s see with illegal immigrants.


Europa is losing its culture

So many crybabies in this thread that don’t believe data because it doesn’t back their bias.

France 100%

It’s a ticking time bomb 💣👳🏾‍♂️


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