Perfect Smoked moment.

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Today I learned that Rachel Zegler is a mammal.

As a wise man once said “Bros running on inceI core i9”

If they ever see a live vagina the shock might kill him.

Well they will still lose 300 MM, but not because of that

That’s not the reason, but Disney is actually about to lose 300mm

Women…have hair???

Nah, they’re gonna lose 300mm because the movie sucks hot dog water. Not because of incels lmfao.

This is so dumb. This movie will definitely bomb, but it doesn’t have ANYTHING to do with this. Women have hair! Crazy🤦


I saw this and yeah that person probably thought they were making an astute comment when in real they just made a fool of themselves.

Hiring a woman with a spine? I’m confused.

You want her to elongate her arms and shave her back or something 💀

What porn does to the male brain

Women are primates.

News at 11

So does “rare insults,” just mean really basic insults against people we dislike?

Of course they haven’t. Mace is designed to keep people at a distance.

Only men should be mammals.

I did some research and it turns out women are mammals, while I was promised they were hairless sex toys. Revolting.

I remember in college a guy I knew got upset the first time he had a woman sleep over because she didn’t look the same in the morning as when he’d picked her up for dinner the night before.

Real women will never meet their “anime girlfriend” standards.

It’s hair, dude… She has a bunch of it hanging off her head too

Why is that dude verified-

300 millimeters? Why is million abbreviated mm sometimes?

It’s her mouth that’s gonna cost them $300m not her back.

Disney is going to lose 300 millimeters

apparently neither did the person doing the ‘insult’

that’s nowhere near the average amount of back hair on a woman

She is a terrible human being so i could care less about her. I wish they changed actress they coulda got another latina.

Reminds me of the story of the Victorian art critic John Ruskin who ended up divorcing his wife because he was revolted by her pubic hair (amongst other things) — largely due to the fact that the only naked women he’d ever seen were in the form of smooth Greek statues.

Incels gonna incel, I guess.

Some people need God and a good pipe bonking.

This is what porn brain does to you. Makes you think that the plucked, bleached, multiple surgery barbies are the one and only form that women can be. That a woman who is not their cup of tea or doesn’t set their coomer senses tingling, is a man.

It is wild out there

what am i supposed to even be looking at in the incel’s post?

The hairy back has nothing to do with it. The problem is that Rachel Zegiler is genuinely terrible, and she looks puggish.

Both are idiots. No, not every woman has this hair. Some do, many don’t. And on some others it’s only recognizable if you almost touch the skin with your eye ball.

Very often, you see arguments on rare insults or clevercomebacks, where both sides are just dumb

This might be the most common insult I’ve seen on Reddit.

Why do men always consider women to be like a freshly made cube of tofu?

Friendly reminder that a significant number of redditors are children and teenagers

Absolute annihilation. Dude thought he had a point, but instead just exposed himself as someone who’s never seen a real woman up close. The internet remains undefeated.

Oh my

Ah yes. The famous topless scene from the original Snow White!

I could have looked at that picture for an hour and not gotten curious enough about her spine to zoom in enough to see something I would expect everyone to have some of.

If this dude thinks what she has is bad. He should see the what that spot on my back looks like.

Disney is gonna lose $300 million on Snow White because the remake looks like shit on its own and is topped off by the star being better known for her political opinions than she is for the movies she has been in.

I mean, definitely very online men, super-invested in the live action remake of a Disney movie.

300 Millimeters? Thats only 12 inches

Oh, I couldn’t see it for a second- yeah no, that guy clearly injected prime into his brain thinking that it would provide the same amount of electricity as just normal cognitive function

Peter? What am I looking at here?

What’s wrong here. Why is the first guy mad?

Not only that but also alienated by pornography.

Imagine what the person who wrote that comment looks like.

Women are not Japanese cartoon characters.

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