Personal Quest

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The bathroom is real

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The ocean is your bathroom.

Love how not-Luffy has a circle on his chest instead of a cross like the original.

The real treasure was the bathrooms we stopped at along the way

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Come aboard and bring along all your hopes and dreams.

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this one is my favorite

the great age of adventure has begun

One Piece fans trying to run from the fact that despite what they say, “the real treasure is the friends we made along the way” is still the most likely ending

It’s called the poop deck

Shen watches One Piece? Bro, you just got cooler.

“Um, well, so I, uh always wanted to try one of those original McDonald’s deep fried pie things. My Grandpa says they were great back before they started baking them. Sometimes when he talks about them he looks out the window and gets a little misty eyed. He says he and Grandma, she died a few years ago now, used to come home from playing at their high school football games in a bus and the bus would stop at McDonald’s along the way.”

“She always got cherry and he always got apple. They’d sit together, eat their pies, and stare out the big plate glass windows. He always talks about how when it was dark out you could see the freeway access but also the reflection from inside. Before they started dating my Grandpa would steal looks at my Grandma in the reflection. He says she was so beautiful he just wanted to stare at her forever.”

“So, anyway, I’d like to know that please. I’d like to try one of those pie things. I’d like to sit in a place with friends and eat some food and just be happy because we’re all there together. My Grandpa is starting to forget things now and Mom looks worried whenever she looks at him. I’d like to be able to talk to him about the pies and help him remember when he was was young and happy.”

“So, if that’s possible I’d like to come along. For the pies and for Grandpa. I don’t think he’s got a lot of time left.”

Go on the sea, fish love your pee

This sounds suspiciously similar to the premise of Black Lagoon.

Time Bandits II: Quest for the Diurnal Urinal

I’ve always wanted that game.

I’m thinking something like Skyrim, but around level 10 you get a quest to locate the only bathroom in the game.

The longer it takes you to complete this, the more signs you see that NPCs need to go.

Gonna get a serious uti

sleep deprived zoro, now thats a new one

The World is your bathroom, bro. Be free

What’s Ash Ketchum doing on a pirate ship

Bro, while toppling governments: I just wanted to piss, man.

The one piece actually inside him

maybe the real bathroom were the friends we made along the way

1. The O instead of the X is hilarious.
2. The ocean is a bathroom.

Well, I hope you can hold it in for the next 1000 chapters.

I’ve had dreams like this

i thought luffy had either his fist in namis face, or was grabbing her cheek like an ape lmao

Guys, he’s not looking to piss, he’s a bathroom inspector. The problem is they haven’t been invented yet.

12 years, many countries, and several toppled forms of local governments later, he’s still searching.

Dude the bathroom is all around you…

I love this one. Great job!

But ocean is BIG bathroom :3

We Go!….take a piss

Polnareff arc?

This rings of Hijikata trying to find a smoking area.

Look around you! Open your eyes! The world is your bathroom my friend.

I read it as bathbomb at first and it was funnier somehow

Make the world your litter box.

I’m pretty sure that he was actually press ganged into a pirate crew

Guys I really need to pee

Luffy might ask if you poop

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