perv who blames women’s clothing when someone sexually harrass them got a taste of his own medicine

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His skull her choice

>Civilized men are more discourteous than savages because they know they can be impolite without having their skulls split, as a general thing.

– Robert E Howard, *Conan the Barbarian*

She’s not dressed like a slut, you just think like a rapist

Every action has its consequences.

Someone give that lady a medal.

This is what happens when dorks forget the safe word.


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

Did he survive? Pity…

Not hard enough


He should have peed on himself and the beating would have stopped

He thinks women deserve to be raped. Woman thinks he deserves to be hit over the head with a baseball bat. Which one will live longer? My money is on the woman! He’s an ass!

How is this man a preacher? WTF

Nah, what they should’ve done is cracked him over the head then shoved his sign post up his asshole. He believes rape is deserved, ergo he’s gagging for a little sodomy, right?

Also, he’s defo going to hell cos God does NOT like rapists nor rape supporters.

Is the bat okay?

How do we know she hit him, though? Has he reported it to the police? Sounds like an attention seeker.

Interesting side note, this article is from 2016. It’s been posted on Reddit like 178 times. People use it for upvotes, not for anti-idiocracy.

So he wore a sign saying women deserve to be raped? Sounds like he was just asking for it.

Naa I don’t believe it. He probably walked into her bat. He deserved it for not being careful.

I think the technical term for what happened is :

“slapping some sense into an awful cunt “.

I’m not saying it’s karma but I’m not saying it isn’t either.


Oo hit me baby

Reposted a billion times ffs is it possible to find original post on reddit?

Fucking hell how many times is this fucking pic gonna get posted on Reddit? Stop farming Reddit points you fucking losers.

Haha, that burn is crispier than a perfectly toasted marshmallow!

Congratulations, she did exactly what he wanted her to do.
One does not carry such hateful signs like that to make friends.
He actively tries to provoke people to attack him.
And it worked.
Now he will sue her.

Sure feel good to hear such story.
Not as good to foot the bill and know you are forced to pay much money to such a wretched person.

Say it.

When someone in a position of power and influence says someone should be harmed, this is a call to action. It’s known as “stochastic terrorism”. It is threat of bodily harm.

He wanted it.
It was bait.
He will sue.
This is the entire point of such behavior.

If I had been wielding the bat, he wouldn’t be talking, ever again.

He was asking for it, wearing that sign 🤔 right? Or is it his body, her choice?

Fitting that the url starts with “ow.”

You have free speech but you are not free from the consequences.

Preacher, “Preacher.”

What a great day to be a Nist.


*Tabitha Brubaker has been charged felony assault and marijuana possession*

*Happened in 2016*


Now she’ll be serving 2, 3, or 4 years, plus an additional 1 year in prison.

I said what I wanted to say to someone with no arguments just slurs. It was a dumb thing of her to do and just proofs again and again why the left is so violent. No arguments just slurs.

As a christian. Let me have a swing with the bat too!

Well deserved fuck him.

She should have stuck it up his ass

The gun fetishist is absolutely frothing. Lol.

It’s been eight years and someone still reposts this exact same image in this sub multiple times per week

His body my choice

Im sorry, is this post arguing rape is ok? The post is equating assaulting some for what they are wearing to raping someone for what they are wearing, and its saying its ok to assault people? What exactly is the point here except “everyone here is a terrible person.”

Who’s going to post this tomorrow for the one billionth time?

Should have sodomised him with the Baseball bat. I wonder if it could be argued in court that he consented due to his sign.

Looks like he finally found out that not all heroes wear capes—some just wear their own bad decisions like a poorly thought-out outfit!

It’s like he thought he could turn the tables but ended up on the receiving end of karma’s punchline. Maybe next time he’ll think twice before blaming someone else’s wardrobe!

It’s about time someone reminded him that the only thing more revealing than a woman’s outfit is his own lack of self-control.

Seems like he finally learned that consent isn’t just a suggestion—it’s the law of the land!

Can we not just agree that 2 wrongs don’t make a right? Yeah, the preacher sounds like a twat and deserves some form of societal reciprocity, but equally the woman who hit him is wrong and deserves an assault charge.

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