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If all of her exes were a problem, they weren’t the problem. She was.

The other doges are aware of this and know he will become like them soon.

Peter’s left sock here. As a general rule, if someone has one crazy ex, the ex was probably crazy. If they describe every single ex as crazy, they are probably the one that’s crazy. The doge in the middle is proud to be the first “nice guy” she’s ever dated, but the one’s around him know he’s doomed to become another crazy ex, because the problem in all his new girlfriends past relationships was probably her. They know they can’t do anything about it, because he has to learn for himself. Hope this helps, Peter’s left sock out!

If all of your girlfriend’s (or boyfriend’s, this is gender neutral advice) exes were awful, your girlfriend is very likely the problem, and the relationship will not go well. It’s a major red flag.

The girlfriend is gonna mess him up

He’s clearly never heard of “The Asshole Theorem” which posits: If everyone you encounter seems to be an asshole. . . you’re the asshole.

What I’m more curious about is where this “see you at the gym, bro” shit started coming into play. I’m seeing that attached to tons of memes now. Explain that joke, Petah.

Canon Event reference Spiderman tragic event in Spiderman Multiverse, where it is used as a way to show the path to benovelance

in this meme doge’s event would be terrible heartbreak- his first gf’s exes are not bad people, she is

Gym in memes is usually a remedy for heartbreak and it also connects to the fact that gym goers have body dysmorphia, cause by rejection

Scott Pilgrim

as Taylow Swift said…

“It’s me, hi, I’m the problem, it’s me”

the girlfriend is that toxic and will always blame the guys

Happened to me in college. Got chewed up and spit out in 6 months. All good though. Iโ€™m won the breakup in the end ๐Ÿค˜๐Ÿป

Jesus crist I just remembered two years ago seeing a meme like this and thinking that it was stupid ( I was starting a relationship with someone just like that ).
I broke up with them 6 days ago.

People mention that she’s likely the problem, which is fair, the kinds of people who are utterly awful in a relationship are the kind to also make shit up about their exes afterward

But the other interpretation is that because shes so used to being abused by those close to her, she views that abuse as affection, and actively seeks it out, so someone being nice to her feels foriegn and strange and she will likely break up with him randomly and out of the blue

I suggest that the dog run away ASAP.

this also works the other way around according to some female coworkers, if the guy claims all of her exes are “whores” of “bitches” you need to be careful.

A perspective I donโ€™t think Iโ€™ve seen yet is that if he is her first nice guy she may not know how to operate in a non toxic relationship and thus will sabotage what may seem like a healthy relationship because sheโ€™s used to toxicity being the default and finds the absence of it uncomfortable.

Everyone here has it wrong, if she’s only dated assholes before it means she’s not going to be able to handle being treated well and will end up blowing up the relationship.

Hoes gonna hoe

Been there, this year, glad its over..

The girl he’s dating is the problem, not her exes.

Yaโ€™ll are wrong, they just know that heโ€™s gonna have to fight her seven evil exes.

Sheโ€™s going to be a nightmare. This works for women and men. If ALL of your exes are awful you should look and see what the common denominator is.

As a woman that had a line of awful boyfriends I can confirm that this is true. It was a mixture of picking badly and (mostly) me being a disaster. After a lot of introspection and change Iโ€™m now in a healthy and happy relationship with a healthy and happy man.

‘We cannot stop it, it is his Canon Event’ got me laughing! Thanks Spiderverse!

Been there, shit wasn’t fun

Great. Am I about to go through this?

If everywhere smells like shit, maybe you should check your own shoe.

oh hey that’s me exactly one month and 9 days ago


Learned this the hard way

Sheโ€™s the problem..

When a girl constantly has “awful” exes but says you’re the exception, generally speaking the problem is with the girlfriend and not the exes, and the “awful” exes are just her exes not going along with whatever her toxic traits are with you just being someone who hasn’t seen through her yet.

Of course, that’s not to say there aren’t situations where the exes are all awful, but that’s usually an unfortunate case of a girl being in an abusive relationship and being so damaged by it that she only ends up going after similarly terrible people, in which case she wouldn’t have gone after a nice person.

This post hits home too much. I need a minute.

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