
By C0L1n10
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Spiderman movies. Ursula was always nice and supportive to Peter and she clearly had a thing for him. Mary Jane wasn’t and he still went for her because hot(and comics).

there is this widely known take about Tobey Maguire’s first Spiderman: Peter Parker should have chosen the land lord’s daughter – Ursula over his well-known romantic partner – Mary Jane,

because of a variety of reasons, one of which being how patient and caring Ursula always is for Peter especially when he’s in a bad spot, while the Mary Jane version in that movie is a literal hypocrite lol.

God MJ makes me angry.
I hope Ursula is actually named Margaret Ursula Jacobs Ditkovitch so that Tobey’s Spidey is talking about her in NWH.

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Nah he should go with the older reporter girl at his work place instead.

ursula was less conventionally attractive but present in his life, caring, and actually showed to love him instead of seemingly settling for him

Bro ruined her marriage with an ASTRONAUT after that point he didn’t have a choice.

Ursula 100% would have done the nastiest shit for him too 😭

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THINK PETER! The hot and sexy will droop and wrinkle but chocolate cake will only taste better!

Why not both?

Give me rent.

Deep down we all know that Lois is best for Peter.

wrong – both r fugly, here’s le only acceptable answer:
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Find the person who adores you and treats you well. Then make yourself realize how wonderful they are. You will have a much happier life than being the slave to the hot one who will never truly love you no matter how much you try.

Ursula > Gwen > ………………. > MJ.

Why not both….maybe at the same time

Victoria all over again

De mi Mary Jane no vas a estar hablando. (Pero siempre quise que la vecina saliera más, era encantadora)

Wait I don’t even remember Ursula.

He should has chosen Gwen!
1 because she’s hot and hotter than any girl who in the trilogy. 2 her dad is a police chief. 3 That would be a good payback to Eddie for taking his job and slandering Spidey.

even when I was a young teen when this released I thought that ursula was better than MJ

Peter shouldn’t have fumbled with Gwen tbh

M xx x. M.


Without love or attraction there is no option A. Sorry.

We pursue that which retreats us

But Ursula was foreign and strange….western audiences wasn’t ready for that at the time 😅

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