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“On my way to find your battleship”.

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“On my way to flip your burgers”

She’s a dedicated employee at McDonald’s.

On my way to finger your butthole

He’s a proctologist, and “Assman” was taken.

“On my way to fix your bike” They’re a bicycle repairman.

On my way to fund your Business

On my way to fix you breakfast

“On my way to file your bonus.”… what a nice boss

On my way to fuck your bitch

On my way to fondle your balls

“On my way to friend your beagle.”

They like your dog.

On my way to fix your banjo

“on my way to fondle your boobs”

On my way to fuck your boyfriend

Only my wang 2 fit your butthole

Is it dumb? Yes.

Do I regret writing it? Also yes.

On My Way 2 Feed Your Belly

Gotta be a chef

On my way to flood your basement

On my way (OMW) to (2) Fuck your bitch (FYB)

He’s on his way to fuck your brother.

“On my way to finance your boat”

On my way to forge your battleaxe

On My Way 2 Fight Your Baby

What did your baby ever do to deserve this?!

On my way to fight your bull

Must be one heck of a badass

Ostracized men with tanktops fighting your butlers

“fix your boiler”

It’s not porn, but it’s sex

>On my way to fuck your butler.

You stay away from my Jeeves!

Why he wanna fuck my boy?

On my way to find you, Brian. Might be the UHC getaway car.

my brain just translated it automaticallym what does that say about me, huh.

On my way to feed your bird.

Only monsters will take false yearly benefits.

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