petah what’s the joke

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There is a trend of women switching roles and saying phrases a male might say to a female: “I would’ve been in the NFL if it wasn’t for my career ending knee injury”.

I have one male friend and one male relative who both talk about their career ruining knee injuries CONSTANTLY.

I was going to be an adventurer… but then I took an arrow to the knee…

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It’s a joke about a considerable amount of men claiming that they were going to be professional football (soccer) or rugby players if they hadn’t a knee injury.

As someone with 3 ACL surgeries and 2 meniscus tears, I can confidently say my knees do not look sexy. So I believe her.

Theres a lot of dudes out there that claim they “would have gone pro at [insert sport here] if they hadn’t injured themself in college” or something similar. Which yeah, it can and does happen, but… The sport and injury can vary but its usually (american) football and almost always the knee for some reason. I guess it’s the kind of injury that’s hard to disprove and would absolutely end a sporting career while having limited visible impact on general life.

Sadly most of them are probably either lying to you to try to seem more impressive, or lying to themselves about their actual chances of having made it in the competitive field of professional sports. Pun intended.

Anyway, the image is making a joke about #womeninmalefields – in this case, the male field of claiming they would have been famous and successful if it weren’t for their damned dicky knee

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Knee surgery is tomorrow

tfw knee surgery is tomorrow

As someone that tore his ACL, this shit is so true and funny as fuck lol

I would have been a Victoria secret model if I didn’t take an arrow to the knee.


I mean maybe I could’ve too but then I took an arrow to the knee so I’m stuck guarding Whiterun. Stop whining.

I honestly thought it was a Skyrim reference

There’s no closure when your “career” is ruined by an injury. Most men are fortunate enough to find out they weren’t good enough. Those ruined by injury are stuck what a “what if” in the back of their mind.

This girl could totally be a Victoria secret model so not a very good comparison 


“I used to be an adventurer like you, ‘til I took an arrow to the knee.”

Thought it was a reference to football where people say they were semi-pro at 18 and then a knee injury ruined it all, which is why they now work in sales, marketing or HR.

I used to be a victorias secret model until I took an arrow to the knee

Kinda how I(35M 5’7 150lbs) like to say “that almost ended my nfl career whenever I get (or almost get) injured.

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