Petah, what’s the other liquid, is it c*m?? 😭

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It’s gastric acid. Coffee and alcohol without water are likely to give you heartburn.

The joke………..probably isn’t porn……………for once

This being a fluid backing up into the stomach from duodenum, it can only be bile. Anything else ( food particles, pancreatic enzymes, etc. ) are a lot less likely.
And to be honest, this joke is either not accurately pictured, or I am severely lacking in a sense of humour.

Mate if you think cum can enter your stomach you are in the right sub

Buddy I don’t mean to be rude but do you even know what cum looks like, it ain’t chunky for one.

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I think it’s bile

Vomit I guess

Right before vomiting, the body can move some of the contents of the small intestine back into the stomach via retroperistalsis. This helps to remove toxins or pathogens that may have already made their way into the intestine.

This is a medically accurate meme; the joke is this person drank coffee and alcohol with nothing else and now they are about to throw it back up.

That’s 🤮

Another post that has me convinced the average age of people posting here is roughly 12.

But I like espresso martini

Cum? In your stomach? Good lord.

No The Brain Did NOT change the C*m route to the stomach.

C*m in your stomach is a crazy thing to assume 😂😂 or never attended any biology class or have experienced someone with a huge d*ck that went through your ass and your whole intestines to finish in your stomach.

As *ALWAYS* folks, the joke is GERD 🙄


I thought it was shit going up.


Average Four Loco Experience

Buttchugging a beer

If that’s what it looks like, you may need to see a doctor.

It could also be a enema…. so poop water…

Gastric acid aka puke

That’s pickle juice

Probably supposed to signify bile/vomiting imminent. Stomach is ready to throw up because all the person has had that day is coffee and alcohol. No food or water.

Lucky guy. I’m getting reflux even just by drinking a single coffee these days…and I love coffee 🥲.

Where porn ?

i assume it’s meant to be acid reflux but pretty sure that’s not how it works

It’s not cum but i think its funnier to say it is


That direction isn’t from the mouth…

Is it cum? We have a biology professor here…

Have you heard about Cafe Correto in Italy? Lol

I love acid reflux!

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Neither “back door” has a direct route to the stomach.

Enema. Coffee and alcohol to make u poo and water to clean u out afterwards.

That’s… uh… not how that works. I agree that they mean gastric acid, so heartburn… But that diesn’t come from the small intestine…

It’s that one boss from the binding of isaac

It’s not gastric acid. The person is probably about to hurl and the gut is getting prepared for it by making the intestines secret protective fluids which will neutralise the stomach contents as well coat the upwards so as to not damage the food pipe and mouth.

People who hurl often or those with bulemia will have dental caries due to erosion.


It really should be the coffee and alcohol going back up the esophagus to look for water

So….the joke isn’t……porn? 😌

Timmy wake up. The joke isn’t porn


Didn’t anyone else guess diarrhea? No, just me?

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