Petahhh…what is going on here??

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It’s in reference to a post and series of comments in which u/smart_calendar1874 was asking how to get a “cylinder” out of a mini m and ms tube, it became increasingly obvious his dick was stuck in the tube

I love that at no point he considered just changing his username

The man, the legend.

I thought this was some weird reference to physics exams being like “now for better mathematical approach imagine the penguin to be a cylinder”, just with a penis instead of a penguin

For anyone who wants to visit the post and comment:
(Btw geez a 2yo screenshot is still funny)

Just watch [this video]( You’ll love it.

Context: How would you get a small cylinder (5.1in length, ~4.5in girth) unstuck from a mini M&Ms tube filled with butter and microwaved mashed banana?

he got his pp stuck in a tube and asked how to get a “cylinder” out of a tube

That’s the guy from the infamous reddit thread where a guy got his dick stuck in an M&M tube and was trying to ask how to get it out while only ever calling it a “cylinder”

That sounds like it feels good

u/smart_calendar1974 wanna explain this one?

Excellent example of digital footprint

I summon thee

Oh my god it’s him

He wasn’t the hero we wanted but he was the hero we needed

You can build 1000 bridges and they dont call you a bridge-builder, you can build a thousand cars and they dont call you a car-maker… but you fuck ONE goat…

Reddit. Reddit is going on here

Melts in your mouth, not on your cylinder.

Today I learned that there are famous redditors on reddit who are not real life celebrities but rather a king from the meme community 🤣

His first description is very accurate.

Holy shit, it’s the cylinder guy!

Reposts here are getting insane.


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