Peter do you know her??

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Casey Anthony she killed her daughter and got away with it

Actually don’t fuck that bitch.

She will get pregnant again, and we all know what will happen after that….

Casey Anthony

The reason Casey Anthony is popping up right now is because she created a TikTok account last week.

Casey anthony

I know there’s tons of comments explaining that she murdered her daughter, but not only did she do that but she tried to *frame her father for it* and claimed he was sexually abusive towards her daughter even though there was ZERO evidence of that. She is a complete piece of human shit and I pray for the day I see she’s rotting in piss.

Is this Casey Anthony?

And she has a muscular neck from always having to look over her shoulder every five seconds

Garbage 🗑️

The egg donor and murderer of Caylee Anthony (RIP sweet baby, you deserved better). Yes, indeed, fuck that bitch. She’s scum and I hope Caylee haunts her incessantly for the rest of her waste of oxygen existence.


That’s Casey Anthony? She looks different.

That’s probably because the last time I saw her she was shitting bricks in a courtroom for murdering her daughter

##**That’s who murdered Caylee Anthony**

I’m supprised Trump didn’t hire her to run the child welfare department

That fucking cunt! Saw a video of her at Disney World….fucking cunt.

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Casey Anthony, who killed her child, Caylee Anthony, and got away with it.

This child-killing cunt went as far as to literally GOOGLE ways to dispose of her daughter and she fucking got away with it. She also only cried during her court trial when the jury was shown the evidence with her present. NOT when that same evidence was presented in court before the jury viewed it.

Ugh. I fucking hate that child killer, Casey Anthony.

I hated this chick before but recently becoming a father fuck this bitch she should be behind bars

A babysitter i trust more than I trust the government

Piece of 💩

Everyone I know, especially Floridians, hates this bitch for murdering her daughter and how she acted after the fact. Casey Anthony should be rotting under the prison.


Do you know what else is sad? She has a lot of followers. This nation is messed up. Hate watching is still watching and gives her money. Great job rewarding bad behavior, people. We should simply ignore her but people have to stop to watch the train wreck.

That bitch killed her daughter and got away with because her lawyer managed to gaslight the shit out of the courtroom

Don’t fuck that bitch. She might get pregnant again and kill another child.

Fuck this bitch, recently saw on TikTok, don’t know how long ago it was on the news but she texted her mom asking(more like demanding) Caylee’s ashes


I’m glad to see everyone hate her on here because believe it or not, dudes were thirsting for her on twitter, calling her “hot” and saying “would”.

Casey Anthony got away with the murder of her daughter, what a sorry excuse for a human being

The fact that people hate her so much is going to fuel interest and is making her famous again. Shes gaming our attentions.

I know who this is.

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