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In There Will Be Blood, the character of Daniel Plainview, a cruel and ruthless oil barren uses people around him to appear to be a sympathetic and trustworthy person. At times it was his brother until he outgrew his usefulness. For much of the movie it’s his adopted son who he only adopts because he sees the son as having a business advantage. Everything Daniel does is targeted and aimed at his business ventures, regardless of the human cost.

In the movie, that’s not his actual son right? I might be wrong but that’s how I remember it.

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The oldschool “small child” card

i love how grimes thought she was like bridging this social gap between art and finance but all she did was get knocked up by some rich fucking asshole lmao

“There will be blood” is a movie where a guy cons everyone out of land by pretending to be a well meaning family man (iirc). It’s been a while since I seen it. Guess the implication is that Elon is pretending to be an upstanding citizen by having this child present.

“I drink your milkshake”

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Elon musk is a terrible human and father who doesn’t care for or even interacts with his kids unless it’s to bring them to court to try and guilt a judge. Idk what specific hearing this is from as he also has a fetish for getting sued

I’m drinking your milkshake, America

Nothing says government efficiency like bring your kid to work day. 🙄

In the movie the guy only had the kid to get sympathy as a fake family man to close sales and get people’s trust

Kids a bit small for a meat shield…

Maybe the best movie of the century


I think this is more than looking sympathetic. Wouldn’t be surprised if that child is meant to be a deterrent for violence (you wouldn’t hurt me in front of my kid, would you? 🥺) if not a flat-out meat shield. We know this man is far from father of the year.

Which one of Elon’s adversaries will die by bowling pin?

That’s an Oil Man and his son H.W.

Straight out of playbook there will be blood.

Can I ask a question? Where the fuck is JD Vance? I haven’t seen him since the debate. Is he dead or something?

Leon still has custody of one of his spawn?

In most circles, having half a dozen baby mamas is considered trashy.

But y’all ate it up and bought his cars and now complain 😂

Musk was recently at the opening of Notre Dom where he told Trump that they should stop the funding for it.

Abcdefg I’ll name my son with no fkng g

I … am a space man. I spend my time compelled to think about space and how we will live there. What? Well, yeah, I play a lot of Diablo … when I‘m not Tweeting, I mean Xitting. No, no, listen, honest … I want what is best for America, and with your subservience, your help … we can all prosper.

Dusty Baker did this shit too.

If you think Elon gives a shit about his kids he wouldn’t have more than one. He is assisting in destroying the planet. No sane person would be banging 91 different women and having 61 kids.

Well, I mean you immigrant haters… He’s doing what you hate.


The real question, is he himself falling for it or does he keep remembering he’s not a very good father and this little solution to that memory is actually just making that feeling worse?

I also would like to mention that nobody is falling for this shit, just there hasn’t been anybody going for him yet.

I guess you all saw a different movie than I did. It wasn’t just for show. That very first time he’s shown with the baby after it’s father was killed he’s feeding it and obviously enjoying it with nobody else around watching. He’s also obviously very concerned about the kid after the accident and when he sends him off to the special needs school.

Liberals love to compare the people they hate to evil movie characters.


It’s from the movie “There Will Be Blood” about an early 20th century oil tycoon who uses his son to pretend he’s a family oriented man.

They’re accusing Musk of doing the same.

The joke is Musk Derangement Syndrome.

EDIT: Lol, replies here are proving my point. Cope and seethe more, crybabies.

People on here watch too many movies and use way too many conspiracies. I swear Reddit is just a breeding ground for future Alex Joneses.

Butthurt liberals are butthurt that musk is no longer part of their liberal cult so they are trying to discredit him.

Idk man. Elon seems like just a human who happens to be extremely intelligent and successful. He’s an absolute dork, which adds to his humanity. Maybe the evil yall see in others is really within yourself, except you’re so afraid to face it, you instead project it onto everyone else. They are the evil ones, not you.

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