Peter I need help

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Men for men for bear. Plate is basically saying gay men looking for a large manly man

M4M means โ€œman for manโ€

This translates to โ€œMan for man, for bearโ€. A gay couple is looking to do a threesome with another hairy (bear) male.

Peter’s LGBTQ ally here, M4M in dating profile means male for male. And a bear is well a dude that’s big and hairy.

Say Gex

M4M is a man seeking another man

A bear in the gay world is a larger hairy gay man.

The license plate is basically saying “Man for man for another bear”. Which, to me, says they’re a gay couple looking for a third, hairier, gay man instead of “mamabear” as intended.

Culturally queer but still straight Peter here: M4M means “man for man”, and adding the 4BEAR means “for bear”. This would normally be found on Grindr, where a gay couple (gay men only) would be looking to have a threesome/open their relationship up to a bear and bear alone. This woman is about to be hit up by a bunch of big, hairy gay men who want to join her and (i’m going to assume she’s straight because no queer woman I know would ever have the folly of using this for their plate) husband. Either that, or she’s gonna have a very kind man tell her why she should change her plate.

Man for man, for bear (big hairy gay man)

Maybe she borrowed a gay friendโ€™s car. One can hope.

License plates only have 7 characters

Gay people are a minority so to most people just means mama bear but in car language. But on reddit means super gay guy in car wants gayest sex possible with multiple gays

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Joke is porn:(

u/Bot-sleuth-bot repost

Who said it wasn’t intended? ๐Ÿ˜‰

Here I was thinking the misunderstanding was over the M4 Weapon system

Yea ok…. not everyone is that into gay Craigslist sex for this to be an issue lol.

Ohhh I didnโ€™t get what that was supposed to spell at firstโ€ฆ damn too bad for her lmaoo

Maybe her hubby is trying to broadcast something?

I thought M4M means masc for masc

Thought it was just a gut nut bear who likes M4s until I read the comments

This is why we can’t have nice things. Someone always comes alongside and ruins it.

Bears are tops, unless they happen to be power bottoms.

This is the first peterexplainsthejoke post ive seen that wasnโ€™t completely obvious, thanks!

You a big William Hung fan?


Bahahaha that made me laugh so hard

Want me to be honest I thought it was the cyberpunk M4M4B3AR and thought “oh shit there’s the target”

The only problem with this guy’s thinking is that a license plate is unlikely to be used as a personals ad.

I read it as memebear and immidtaly thought of a certain bear that likes em young.


โ€œWhen you say youโ€™re a passionate bear looking for love you get a lot of wrong responses. Well, not wrong, just wrong for me.โ€

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